She made it very clear there was only one solution: me always being at her place during the week and that I would move to her city very soon. Otherwise the relationship is over for her.
It feels like an ultimatum and I can't do it
All I wanted is stability and love and then you can build a future together, but it doesn't seem possible.
I'm really looking for someone to tell me it isn't bad of me that I can't give her what she demands.
Here it is:
It is not bad of you. Let's discuss boundaries. What are boundaries anyway? They reflect your values. One aspect of dating is to discover if two people are compatible enough for a long term commitment. It's not really about who is right or wrong, or who is bad or not. It's about if there are compatible values, good communication, mutual respect and other elements that you consider
important to you. This can be individual- some people want to marry within their religion, or culture, or a certain education level- that doesn't make someone good or bad- it's what you value in the family unit you wish to create with someone.
You have identified some of your own values:
You want stability - and yet, your GF has demonstrated instability- with her jobs, with her emotions.
You do not want to move closer or move in with her: that is a boundary.
You feel you are being given an ultimatum- pushed to do something you don't feel sure about. This is your own feelings telling you that something isn't OK with this situation. You are not being "wrong" for paying attention to this feeling and knowing you do not wish to give in to her demands. It would not be honest to do so when you don't want to.
You are feeling pushed to do something you don't want to do- because, if you wanted to do it, you wouldn't feel this way.
You see a red flag here- she was drunk and the over consumption of alcohol.
You are not wrong for listening to your own guidance. Imagine this is your best friend telling you these things. What would you say to your best friend?