Thanks Pook075. You’ve put it really well, his healing is important and I’m learning to deal with it. I’m my case I am realising I can deal with his BPD and love him as family but it by necessity means I don’t feel I can depend on him the way I need in a partner (reliability is important to me). I think on his part he needs someone who won’t react to some of his particular triggers which clash badly with me. But still hoping he’ll realise that on his own soon.
That's the thing- his healing is on his timelines and you can't force anyone to realize anything. But you can focus on you and your own journey to renewal, which will only strengthen your chances of having a great future relationship.
Supporting him healing and fixing the relationship are two different things, and its great that you've realized that on your own. You can do one without the other and its the healthy way to approach this.