Second NC lasting for about a month now and suddenly I feel almost back where I started emotionally. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions during NC, but these last few days has been very emotional for me for some reason.
I think my issue is that she gives birth to our child in 1-2 months and all along this has made it hard for me to try and forget about her. I know some people would suggest LC, which I tried, but I feel I get manipulation attempts with the intent of trying to get me back in, so I had to go back to NC. When the child comes along and when some time after this I feel detached enough from the mother, I will have contact with the child. But I feel stuck in this detachment phase, since I feel that I cannot detach completely, as I will have to see my ex again anyway at some point and also during the next 18 years. Perhaps I am also feeling drawn to her because of the child. I am not sure if this or the trauma-bond or the marks left after the lovebombing phase.
I try to remind myself why this r/s cannot continue. I have some notes I look at called "reasons". She may not act out, cheat, be suicidal and do other crazy things like some pwBPD that have it worse, however I feel it is bad enough with the emotional abuse, such as:
1. Cyclical raging on text, that lead to me blocking her in the past (until I got educated about BPD and used tools such as validate the valid, diffuse the episode, active/empathetic listening etc.)
2. Facts based on feelings, that are not reality and more than that, she pushes me to admit that I am lying when I say that is not how it happened. Insists that I her admit to her truth
3. Emotional instability, that I am doing "something" to her and I should stop doing "this". Also she can ask that I be in charge of where we go when we go out and right afterwards accuses me of having to decide everything that we do.
4. Accuses me of things I did not do and things that she actually does herself (projection/transference)
5. Is undiagnosed and completely in denial about BPD or anything that should be wrong with her (petulant sub-type). It is me that there must be something wrong with, always.
6. Misreads situations completely such as believe I laugh at her daughter with Downs syndrome, when I am just being loving to her daughter
7. Can calmly say that she believes that I do drugs and also drink alcohol daily. I never touch drugs (and only drink alcohol at times during the weekend)
8. Classic cyclical BPD/NPD behavior moving from loving to rejecting phases, which leaves me in a bad state mentally.
9. On several occasions believe there is another woman there with me.
10. Having to keep secrets like not tell her that I believe she needs help and actually believes she has BPD
So how can I accept this? I cannot. But I still see myself romanticizing her and missing her, as she has exceptionally good sides of her also. I will continue trying to detach, but I think that I will be stuck trying, until the child is born to be honest