You are to be commended that despite the tough struggle to parent, you did manage to obtain or maintain decent parenting status.

In my experience - this varies greatly depending which country, state or province you reside in - having equal or 50-50 status is good since it means you're an involved father but... many jurisdictions default to presuming the mother has preference in rulings. Those unwritten patterns favoring mothers are quite difficult to overcome, especially in cases like ours where substantive mental illness are likely but ignored factors. Unfortunately many courts avoid seeking diagnoses or don't follow up in cases where obstructions are still continuing.
How has it been for you? If she has been using 50-50 status to still obstruct, sabotage or delay your parenting, can you seek to have custody adjusted so you have
Decision Making or
Tie Breaker status? Or perhaps custody altogether, or at least some aspects of custody such as schooling, medical and mental health aspects. While this can't stop all conflict, it can shift things overall in your favor, where you can listen to her perspective then you proceed with what you decide is best for the children. Then she - not you - would be the one having to go to a mediator, parenting coordinator or court to contest your parenting decisions.