Workedover, you've got to be aware that what you read by unqualified people may harm your healing and confuse you more than when you started. Sure, a blog like this will tell you what you want to hear-but you've got to be aware of the truth behind the disorder. Borderline personality disorder isn't gender specific. Borderline personality disorder happens to Men as well. Borderline is a failure to "become." It is a failure to separate/ individuate. Most Borderline women have a deficient sense of self and use others to cling to. The clinging then becomes distancing and back to clinging again based on rewarding and withdrawing objects (that's you.) While the outcome of the behaviors is written in the article quite clearly- the reasons for the disorder are not. The reasons given have no substance other than to belittle women. If you are going to understand the disorder, find a qualified author on the subject, not some blogger inappropriately named "me love" who splits women into evolutionary glitches and has no data to back up their writing.
It’s an undeniable fact, the nature of women is to use their sexuality to coerce men for favors. As it relates to premeditated or conditioned behaviors, we must consider the capacity of the female brain. It is not a physiological disorder, what it is though is a series of life events that by this individuals choice, have created abnormal thought patterns that self-protective in nature. In the case of a woman with such a disorder, the emotional ties they have to self are much stronger than the male abuser. Much of creation in these women’s dysfunctional world come from demanding, emotionally inept mothers/fathers that want their daughters to be liberated from a dominant male world environment.
It might be worth your while to get your information from the right sources- if only for the reason that you'll probably want a relationship in the future with a woman without having to study the "premeditated or conditioned behaviors in consideration of the capacity of the female brain."
Stick with reading the right books. Kohut, Klein, Masterson have all spent their lives dedicated to the disorder. They are educated about the disorder and they will help you become educated as well. Not one of them bring into play any differences, if any, of the male or female brain. Brain chemistry discussion is more appropriate for Bi-polar problems not behavioral. Stay away from any writing that obviously has personalized the disorder and split all women into bad. It will only get you worked up and further away from your own lesson plan and that's what is important here.