during the six months ive been apart from my ex BPD g/f we have talked about, starting over many times. most times it leads to her telling me she needs a few days to think and clear her head. thats when i would get upset thinking this was a game to her and block her change my number, all the kind of things you would do if you didnt want to be with someone again.
well im kind of at that point again. last month i refused contact from her for 28 days. when i made contact two weeks ago i told what my boundraies are, she seeming to be willing to respect them.
she let me know she wants to come back and feels the same about starting over but may not be able to as shes not sure she can control herself.
ive not talked to her in nine hours or so and i can feel my old habits wanting to take over, i feel like txt or emailing her that i want answers
foolish i know ive made that mistake.
just trying to not vent right now and not take a old run down road again