Hi shellshocked75,
I'm sorry to hear about the way things ended. That's a hurtful thing with moving the new guy in
All intense emotional intimacy without sex.
There's a certain electricity my wife had when I first met with her. It felt like an intense emotional bonding.
While there's no way she could get me back I'm still highly emotionally reactive to anything related to her and the situation. I'm barely emotionally recovering myself and I fear her trying to recycle me and just having to deal with the emotions relating to contact. Her behaviors since ending this seems strange to me and I was hoping to get some feedback on it.
My ex lives across the street and it's in close proximity like yourself. It was very difficult the first few weeks after she moved out and seeing her with the new guy I understand. It's the depth of the connection with a pwBPD that hits us very hard.
This article explains how the relationship evolves:
How a Borderline Personality Disorder Love Relationship EvolvesI hope this article is a good primer for you as it was for me in understanding what the heck happened in my relationship and marriage and the sudden painful break. I was gobsmacked with how things ended and you likely feel the same as well. It helped me with re-framing the relationship.
My big question is this, is an attempt to recycle likely or do you think she's going to leave me alone indefinitely? I would think, rationally, I would be the last person she would try to reengage with since I'm her worst nightmare: a guy that she can't control that genuinely cared for her and could offer her a future.
It's a disorder that is triggered by intimacy. They push the people that care the most away.
BPD BEHAVIORS: Fear of IntimacyTo what degree do you think I need to be concerned about a recycling attempts as I'm doing my best to just not think about her and move on?
I have been split black. Sort of like you said out of sight out of mind. My ex dissociates and currently she doesn't see any of the positive values in me and sees negative values or undervalues me. I have never had her validate an attachment due to the new bf falling out but there are many members that have said that they will from time to time try to validate your attachment with them to see if you are available.
What do you plan on doing? Are you planning to go no contact to give yourself time to heal and space to do that?