Are you sure that he falls in love in every woman? This is definetely not love, you can't love 10 people or more, seems more like fear of being alone?

I know it's not 'love'. I told him as much on the day of our divorce. I asked how he manages to date somebody and they are 'his soulmate'. Then when that relationship breaks down he instantly meets a new 'soulmate' and falls in love again. I said that most people date a few people after being on their own for a while, then they may manage to find somebody compatible who they grow to love. I asked how he is so lucky to meet a special person instantly each time. He looked puzzled and just said he is lucky.
I also texted him when I first found out about the replacement and asked if he loved her. He didn't give me a direct answer. He just asked if it mattered to me. I think he knows really that he doesn't love anyone except himself. He just can't/won't admit it. Interestingly, he did admit that he was with her because he didn't want to be alone!