BPDgf phoned again tonight, she is sounding much better over the past week than what she has over the past 2 months. We have a little routine going right now which works very well for me (given some of the posts I've had on here recently around her calling at all times especially when she knows I'm unavailable) Many thanks too to formflier, patientandclear and grey kitty because without you guys, I wouldn't have been able to put this in place.
To avoid the issues around calling at unavailable times, I have set a specific time when I am available for her and that's in the evening just as she is going to bed between 10pm - 11pm. Anything that I'm doing, such as gym, meeting friends etc... is usually done by that time so I'm always available to answer the phone. This does not mean I'm not available at any other time, should there be a real emergency and she needed to get hold of me. Also if she does call at any other time and I don't pick up, I will respond as soon as I am able to. I've seen positive results in this over the past couple of days in that she will call and I will now see only 1 missed call rather than 8 or 9 and true to my word, I call her straight back. If I have my phone with me but in a meeting etc, I will send her a quick text to let her know I've seen her call and will call her back shortly. However, the 10-11pm call, I am always available to answer that. Gradually, I feel it's building up trust and there has been no anger or animosity on the phone, it's all been pleasant.
However, part of that might be down to the entire conversation is about her day, what she has been up to, what her plans are for the following day. Praise for the good things she has done, praise for the positive steps she has taken, validation of her feelings (which are all positive right now) and support for the things she is doing. That's how the conversations go every night and I'm not too concerned about it.
Tomorrow is a very big day for me. I'm in court in the morning for contact with my youngest children. Contact got stopped the moment new bf came onto the scene because my exgf believes in her own little bubbble and doesn't want anybody getting in the way of that. I was once new bf too and the same thing happened to her ex. Lots of Cluster B traits going on there according to T also but I don't think there was ever enough for her to be pwBPD. Either way, tomorrow is going to be a very good day because as Lawyer has said, exgf is in for a huge rude awakening tomorrow. She faced a similar one in court from her exbf too a couple of years ago. So it's a nervous moment, I do get to speak to my kids and I've seen them several times over the past month as exgf hoped I would drop the court matter by backing down, I just want it legalised now.
I've had all sorts of mixed feelings and emotions today and would have liked to have shared those with BPDgf but I know I wouldn't have got the response back that I wanted or needed to hear. Instead, I called my UdBPDm and she is coming over tomorrow to go to court with me. I know she isn't there to support me, she just wants to watch exgf get torn to pieces for what it's done to her but it feels like I have support

About 30 mins ago I got a text from BPDgf which caught me completely off guard. She wanted to apologise because she forgot to wish me luck for tomorrow (without any prompting on dates, which is why I know when I tell her about being unavailable I don't believe she forgets, I think she is testing me) and also wanted to know if I needed her to come up and support me in court. Again, I think it's for similar reasons to my mother

but it has really caught me by surprise tonight. I've responded back to thank her for the offer, that I know she has a busy day herself tomorrow so wouldn't want to impose on what she has to do. That I will let her know as soon as it's over and that we could arrange to go celebrate one evening when she is free.
Like I say, I know my mothers motives, I've lived with that my entire life

But BPDgf caught me completely off guard tonight, an apology, a thoughtful message and an offer of support. I've not seen that since the start of our r/s and I wonder if it has anything to do with putting rules and routines in place that alleviate some of those fears and concerns