Thank you for editing my posts waverider, as you can tell I'm pretty new at this. Also judging by the book I wrote, I may be adding too much information. I appreciate any feedback I can get. I will try to keep my post a little shorter from noon as well. I know that the longer the post the more likely it is to not be read. Some of that is my ADD coming out along with the information overload. Things have been good here the last 2-3 days. I know that the hard times occur before her monthly cycle (about 3-5 days before). I will take the time as a short cease fire and continue to assess myself.
One of the hardest things when faced with all of this is knowing where to start, Hence the need to get it all out. From here the task is then to prioritize where to start (what are the core issues?). Setting the rest aside until later.
We can navel gaze the whys and wherefores forever. But we need to start somewhere. Usually that is with a couple of basic boundaries around what really hurts us at a most basic level. Typically that includes areas such as abuse and high conflict. Often overanalysing can confuse our resolve as we start to "make excuses". Boundaries are not about fairness or what is reasonable, they are about what we can or cannot tolerate to maintain our own sanity.
The first ones also have a supplementary role of setting a precedent that we have boundaries and can enforce them, regardless of what that actual boundary is.
Much of our learning is an on the job evolution, with a lot of trial and error giving us the required feedback.
Looking at your post I think your starting point is learning to disengage and even leaving the scene when things get heated... ie your boundary is not to stick around for any abusive arguments that are just conflicts for the sake of trying to win. This gives you the space to be more objective and concentrate on how you can stop making things worse.
See where that leads.
If you are getting information overload stop studying it. Small steps and consolidate. You will be dealing with this for a long time, pace yourself and let it sink in bit by bit.
The object is to reduce stress in your life not add to it by obsessing. pwBPD are slow learners dont try to go too fast it will create more problems than it will solve.