Dobie, that's a great post and I'm sure there are a lot of people on here that can totally relate to it. It pretty much describes my ex perfectly.
As far as longing to be happy, identifying all the points you've made here is a huge step in that direction.
Thanks plonko
I put it up here as a reminder to me as well , I keep hoping or trying to make excuses for her to appeal to what most people have a side of reason and empathy
But like the saying goes "fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me "
Now compared to some xs on this boards she was not the anti - Christ but I need to fully detach no more excuses no more longing , wishing , blaming , ruminating no more occasional emails no more occasional checking her FB I need to burn her out of my psyche she has caused enough pain now its time for me to stop causing myself anymore . The woman I thought she was is a lie a mask she is not what I projected or she mirrored I need to take that and the hurt of knowing I was never loved only needed and move forward to meet healthy happy women and put all the love and energy I gave her into someone e who is worth it . The more I cry about spilt milk the more I stay a victim and the more I stop myself from being happy . the more time I spen making excuses or trying to understand her the more time I lose understanding myself or loving me .
She is whom she is dobie she has shown you her soul and it is damaged .