So... many of you have followed the story of me trying to be a SAHD while interviewing for new positions... and having my wife going into the workforce.
Lots of "interesting" things to sort out with roles and who does what... .(those that follow my story are chuckling at the understatement... )
Well... .
I've been hired for an executive job that I'm really... .REALLY! excited about.
They have many projects that are a great fit for my talents.
Lucrative contract... .great quality of life in the new location.
Yes... there will be a move. Wife and kids have made several trips there with me and they are excited about it as well.
The process for this job has been brewing for several months. I'm glad it's over.
When we moved to our current location... .I had no idea about BPD (never heard of it)... .I've learned a lot... and we are at a low level of conflict... .and share many good times together.'
I'm looking at this as a fresh start in "neutral" territory (that she is happy about)... and I get to make that fresh start with a bag full to "tools" from this site and the therapy work that I have done.
I feel confident about the future!