One thing that kept me in the relationship was the existence of his child, that I became quite close to over our 18 months together. His daughter lives with her mother. Very early on in our relationship he began to involve me in all aspects of his life, especially the time he spent with his daughter. I knew that was premature and that the motives were to hook me, so guarded against it and tried to keep boundaries to that, but the fact is I love kids, would make a great mom, and just really hit it off with that little girl.
I have been thinking of a way to establish a better contact with the mom - I have met her on several occasions, but she is naturally wary and simply quite a reserved person. He cheated on her too, when she was pregnant with this child, and I imagine she's been through some pretty rough times. But that relationship ended about 5 years ago and now their contact is restricted to issues with the child and the mom has, quite healthily, moved on and is in a very stable relationship.
In any case, I would love to just occasionally see the child. I have no way to ask him for that and wouldn't want to. I don't trust him anyway, and in any way. I wonder if it would be completely off to appear at the mom's house and just briefly explain that while he and I are over, I'd like the daughter to know that our friendship means a lot to me. She said I was her "best adult friend" and we giggled and messed around and chatted about all kinds of things. The mom has seen how easy the daughter and I are together, and I am sure also sees that I am a healthy influence insofar as I'm any at all.
Should I do this? I don't have a number so would have to appear at the house. Perhaps I could leave a note?
I genuinely don't want any more from this than to at least have the daughter know that my disappearance from her life doesn't mean I don't care for her. I don't expect him to say anything remotely helpful to her - the lack of empathy and true emotional connection to even his own child is one of the things that made me think he must have a condition rather than just be a selfish and insecure clod.
I've read a lot of posts, and the ones on post-break contact here are useful, of course. Just to say I'm not unaware of the issues from that perspective.
Discussing this with friends is just not going to help - as I said in my original post, they don't understand why I didn't leave over a year ago, the first time I tried to.
Thanks, guys, for any input.