Hi TiaNinaT
You've had quite a lot on your plate, caring for your elderly parents while also dealing with your sister's difficult behavior. I am sorry your father passed away a year ago. Do you feel like you were able to truly mourn his passing with everything that was/is going on?
It is sad how a family-member with BPD can affect the entire family and family dynamics. Why do you think it is that your mother so easily believes what your sister tells her? How would you describe the relationship between your mother and sister?
... .she has made my life very difficult to maintain my own self-health.
You mentioned the events surrounding your father's passing. Could you tell us a bit more about the other things your sister has done which you feel makes it difficult for you to maintain your own well-being?
Did your sister always exhibit difficult behavior like this, also when you were younger, or was there perhaps a certain turning point after which her behavior started to change?
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