I have been to this site before, but just now finished registering. I am hopeful but reticent to post as I am feeling at the end of my rope and kinda silly for needing to post here...sigh!
She got me again...
So I never post anything "controversial" on FB because mom will react and we will have an "episode" where I am the biggest piece of crap on the planet.
I am 57 and tired and done. I have been for many years but I have stopped trying to make it work. I have super strict boundaries; but even with those every 2 years she gets me good.
So today I posted something "unapproved" and a friend and I posted a few comments. It felt good to have my opinion on my page! Then mom commented, my friend responded and I commented back. First time in years because I knew what would happen.
She made her comment, derogatory to me, and then called. I answered the phone and said are you really going to do this? Game on. I was mad. Sick and tired of not being able to post an opinion and I told her so. I told her that if she didn't cease and desist (SP?) I would block her on FB. She said you comment on my page and I slipped and said I stopped following you a long time ago. I want to post to my page and if you don't like it, that's okay, unfollow me. No need to comment, etc. I kinda lost it.
When she started in with the "you abused me, etc." I hung up. I am all too familiar with the litany of trash she would throw at me. She called back, I answered and immediately hung up. She called, she called...I turned my phone off. I didn't want to because that meant that the message would be left because she is going to have her say no matter what!
I did good...I only listened to 2 seconds of each...enough to know not to listen. Whew! did I get an earful in that 4 seconds.
I just read an article about BPD mothers and how they wear out everyone in their life (so true, 2 folks that join her or ignore her in her onslaughts) and it said by 50 or 60 most kids are done.
I am a Christian and have struggled with the guilt of "honoring thy mother" and self-preservation. I keep inching and then foot"ing" further and further away.
I moved 6 years ago, went through a church imploding and am finding it very hard to find people who I want to connect to. I am hyperaware of others shortcomings. Still find that I attract narcissistic types and frankly it scares me! Terrifies me! I lost my husband 12 1/2 years ago and don't have children. I was terrified that I would be a mother like her and couldn't bring myself to risk it. So here I am 57 alone and finding that I like the peace and quiet. I speak with my neighbors, I attend church and have friends I do things with, and attend a Bible study and lead a Bible study...so I don't think I am isolating. But...my mind tickles with the thought...I am like her and people don't want to be around me. I have asked a couple of friends and they don't see it that way. They think I am friendly, outgoing, receptive and nice. Maybe it is just my mother's voice in the back of my mind, telling me I see everything wrong, don't have good memories, am horrible, etc.
Tonight she told me I have a Cinderella complex and she can prove it because there are pictures of me that would show it. What? so crazy! literally!
I have done counseling and made great strides and am generally good at not taking it to heart. She got me to night. I could feel how elevated my blood pressure was and I was loud in my comments. Of course, she felt she had hooked me because I showed emotion and then she started to reel me in. I hung in time...kinda.
I took a few minutes to do some deep breathing but knew I wouldn't sleep and needed more. After reading 2 articles, I actually laughed because one of the examples was spot-on and I realized that I was being drawn into the web. Whew! narrow escape!
I have the feelings the article talked about; wishing I didn't have to deal with her any more. Being truthful with myself that I don't like her and she makes life so difficult.
4 years ago (we had almost 2 years of kinda calm) I told her that as she aged, and as I am the only child, she would need help and I wanted her to move close. I started to try to find a house for her near me (3,000 miles separates us) so that I could help her. She had a ton of excuses about why she couldn't move. She got made at me because I surprised her and looked at a house that she might like. I told her I was done helping and trying. She tried to draw me into it one other time about a year later (I went and looked at a house - but then talked her out of it when I realized that I was acting CRAZY!). I am so grateful that she is so far away. She won't travel any more and I have put off her requests to travel there. The last time I visited I kept it to 4 days because the time before I stayed for 2 weeks and when I got home I couldn't reach her for almost a week. She told me later that she had been in a hospital because she wanted to commit suicide after I left.
I feel guilty but know it is what is needed. DISTANCE and perhaps SILENCE - for a few months and maybe longer. Sadly, my life is so much better when I don't have to engage.
I wish their were a support group near me or a counselor who understood BPD.
I am hopeful that this site will bring some much needed understanding and support.
Thanks for listening. I will now see what resources I may find.
I pray that all on here find the peace and calm needed.