Fewer than 3 Posts
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Relationship status: Broken up
Posts: 2
« on: September 19, 2020, 09:56:24 PM » |
Ill try to make this as to the point as possible but its a long story. So I was separated and met someone, he was awesome. Loving, caring, considerate made me feel really appreciated. He moved pretty quickly, brought up marriage within the first month. I put that off as, we'll do it in the future im not divorced yet. So he kind of encouraged me to get a divorce, said we would be a family,( I have 3 children with my now ex husband)i mean he seemed 100% in it. Then about 5 months in when I've already filed for divorce and we are saving money for a house and wedding, he just completely changes. Like someone flipped a switch in his brain and he was shut down and quiet. I spoke with him about it and he swore everything was fine, we were okay and our plans for the future were still going to happen so another 8 months of this goes by and as time goes on he gets more and more withdrawn and in July we spent the weekend together, I should've mentioned we don't live in the same state. we had to make trips to see each other, anyway the trip went well, we had a good time he was quiet but by now im accustomed to his demeanor so it wasn't out of the ordinary. I get back home and he's withdrawn again. I cant get him to speak more than a couple sentences to me, but he's still insisting he wants to stay together that he's just in a "funk" he says it happens every now and then and he's not sure if he's right for me or anyone else for that matter. So I keep trying cause I do care for him and he is worthy of love and understanding. Well one night I get upset cause he is ignoring me, and I said ugh, I give up on you and that was it. I messaged and apologized the next morning, sent multiple messages explaining I was just upset and nothing he just ghosted me after more than a year and planning a whole life together he's just disappeared. He won't respond but left me on his Facebook as a friend and we played a game online and he left me as a friend on there too. It was over a month of being ghosted and writing him messages and getting no response so I wrote him one last text and told him I had to stop he obviously wasn't interested in reconciliation or even ending things properly with me and I told him I'd always be his friend and if he needed someone to talk to he could call me but for my own sanity I had to disconnect. So I did last week and he didn't respond, of course just radio silence. My question is, does this sound like bpd to yall or am I trying to make excuses for his behavior? I just dont understand how he could ghost me after so long? Its not like it was a one night stand. I need clarification its driving me nuts!