Hi fulafe and welcome to the group

So many members here can relate to what you're going through -- the perfect beginning, the intensity, the highs that were beyond incredible... then the process of putting together the pieces of what you were experiencing and getting a picture of reality that likely involves an untreated PD.
Breaking up with a pwBPD isn't a normal range breakup. It's good that you recognize that a rebound relationship isn't wise or healthy or loving right now -- not for you, not for a prospective rebound partner.
There are some martial arts where in training, the phrase is "slow is fast." That is to say -- we can't just jump into doing the movement at top speed; it won't be effective and we'll be worse off. We need to take the time to do the process, to learn it slowly, in order for it to be effective. We need to be in the discomfort of the process.
I wonder if part of the answer to your questions here:
I'm trying my best to get over this and I have committed to blocking her, but part of me wants her to chase me. It's nuts.
How long does it take? Any tips on how to erase her memory and move on as fast as possible? I know sometimes "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone" but I am not looking for that
is: "slow is fast".
I can imagine that the last thing you ever want to do is to be in a relationship with another pwBPD.
If we don't allow ourselves to take the time to process the grief, hurt, rage, anger, and all the feelings associated with the end of this relationship -- if we don't "practice slow" -- then if/when we come to a new relationship, we're vulnerable to repeating it -- unfinished business.
I'm curious if you would classify anything you're going through as
ruminating about her/the relationship?
I also hear you that as much as you want to move on quickly and get over it, you also want to do it healthily

I'd be curious if anything in our workshop on
Is there a healthful way to get past the pain of a broken heart? resonates with you or seems applicable?
Really glad you landed here. Keep us posted on how you're doing;