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No good deed goes unpunished....
« on: March 18, 2008, 09:05:53 AM » |
I had done some research online and put this together about a week or so ago... .just hadn't had the time to really put it in posting format. I have suffered from panic attacks for years, they come and go depending on my stress level... .they are at a point now of only coming on occasionally and I'm working on breathing techniques, etc. to get through them.
I am (of course) not a medical proffesional, and each person is different, in how the attacks come on and how controlable they are. But, here is some info and some tips that may help others who are dealing with them.
What is a panic attack?
A panic attack is the fight or flight response. This is the body’s response to a dangerous situation, it prepares itself to fight the foe or run away from it as quickly as possible. Hence all these strange symptoms you feel when you have a panic attack. In the body’s preparations the following things happen:
• The heart rate quickens
• Adrenalin is pumped into your system
• Blood is directed towards your legs rather than your internal organs
• Your breathing quickens
• Your digestive system may well decide to get rid of any food it happens to be processing as fast as possible
• The same may happen to your bladder.
All this happens so that you can fight or flee from your situation as well as possible.
Unfortunately when you do suffer a panic attack it is unlikely to be because wolves or killer rabbits are chasing you, but it may well happen when you are eating a meal, or catching a bus or any other seemingly normal operation. You may well feel the following symptoms:
• You become very aware of your heartbeat, you can hear it quite clearly
• You become very hot and start sweating and feel uncomfortable in your skin
• Your hands/legs become shaky and your body tenses
• It becomes difficult to control your breathing which seems very fast
• Your whole digestive tract becomes uncomfortable and you feel nauseous
• You desperately need to go to the bathroom.
This is an incredibly frightening situation to be in because you feel you have no control over your body. The fear you have of the situation makes everything worse and the whole thing seems inescapable. By this stage it seems the only way of stopping the feelings will be by doing something drastic like running from the room, throwing up or bursting into tears.
Why me?
No one seems quite sure on this one. It has been suggested that it has something to so with the way your body processes serotonin. It could be genetic or it could be lifestyle. Maybe there is no definite answer. Those of us who have survived extreme stress may be more likely to suffer from these attacks, especially those who have had the misfortune of dealing with a person with BPD in our lives... .I know I spent alot, alot, ALOT of time in a state of hyper alertness (waiting for the next BPD rage)
How to survive a Panic Attack
Firstly learn to recognize the panic attack before it overpowers you. Notice your heart beating faster and your breathing quickening. Now back away from whatever it is that you think is making you feel like this (you may not know what it is yet, but go with your instinct on this one).
Now turn on the television or start reading a magazine or start talking about your favorite subject, whilst you do this to distract your brain try breathing slower and more regularly.
Breathing into a paper bag can help as it increases the amount of carbon dioxide you are breathing in. Your body wants oxygen for its ‘fight or flight’ response, but the increased oxygen will make the panic symptoms worse.
It may take a while to calm down fully. Persevere with the breathing and keep your brain occupied. This is only a short-term solution, but it may help prevent a full-blown attack and makes you feel more confident about beating the problem.
Panic is all encompassing and throws the body into upheaval. Panic follows no logic or time table, and no one is immune to its disease. The Webster's New World Medical Dictionary (2007) defines this panic as, "a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought or action."
Most importantly, panic is a wake-up call. Panic attacks are a symbol of disconnect, and signal a breakdown in the way stress and emotions are supervised. In the long term, psychological therapy and behavior modification are in order. In the long term, drug therapy - with the assistance of a medical doctor - may be necessary. In the long term, severe life changes are recommended. However, in the short term, panic is an albatross, a cross to bear, and the day-to-day struggle to overcome its sudden effects can be tiresome and disheartening. Mismanaged panic attacks can destroy lives, careers and families. Below is the seven step technique I used to combat my panic issues. It worked for me. I hope it works for you.
Step 1 - Stop. When a panic attack arrives, you are literally no longer in control of your emotional or physical self. You can possibly hide shaking hands and disjointed breathing patterns, but the major symptoms - dizziness, fainting, chest pains akin to heart attacks - refuse camouflaging. This can be disastrous, particularly if you are handling heavy machinery or driving. Stop whatever you are doing immediately, sit down wherever you are, cross your arms in an X over your chest, and grip your shoulders with both hands. This anchors you, and adds a feeling of weight to the body along with the illusion of control. The first step is to acknowledge what is happening to you so that you can begin to deal with what happens next. You may need to skip out on a business meeting, etc, but panic signals that you are not prioritizing the self. So take care of yourself, make your excuses, and walk out of the room….Seriously.
Step 2 - Breathe. A no-brainer for living is breathing, but rationality disappears when dealing with panic. The survival instinct is to pull in air as fast as possible, but you must, must, must resist. I know this has been a problem for me... .I start breathing in short quick breaths and once in full blown attack cannot seem to "remember" how to breathe normally... .Fast breathing equals more panic, so take it slow. Count - one, two, breathe in - three, four, breathe out. Regulate the breathing, everything else will follow. It may help to rock back and forth, as this is a protective measure to simulate comfort. Go with the feeling.
Step 3 - Distract. This can be achieved two ways: focus on an object or think of something else. I usually pick a point in the room and chant, either out loud or in my head, "focus, focus, focus." or any phrase that helps to distract from the attack and focus your mind on something else, anything... .Physically, this could help the dizziness, and psychologically it serves to redirect the attention from what is happening inside of you to the outside world. Panic occurs when we unknowingly put our attention towards mental distress. You must, must get out of your own head. If this does not work, pick a happy place (the beach usually works) and imagine the sand between your toes and the water lapping at your ankles. Do not think about what is immediately occurring - this only serves to ratchet the panic level. Re-focus in order to recover.
Step 4 - Call. Most people who do not suffer from panic will not understand panic. This makes it difficult to find people to lean on in extreme situations. However, panic is unpredictable, and attacks can vary from very mild to very unsettling. If you notice the panic level is absurdly high, reach out to someone. Find an anchor. Mothers are obligated to care, so start there.
Step 5 - Hold. When all else fails, ride the wave and embrace the moment. Give yourself permission to fall apart, if only for a few minutes. Panic, like life and the ocean, ebbs and flows. It will come to an end, I promise. Stop. Breathe. Re-focus. Anchor. Hold on.
Step 6 - Prevent. This is actually pre-step #1. Some panic attacks telegraph their arrival, and it is your job to notice. Do no ignore what you feel. When the first flutters begin, immediately commence with step number #1. Follow the ritual to the end. Repeat if necessary.
Step 7 - Heal. You are dripping wet; your breathing is just now under control; your hands have finally stopped shaking. Get help, find the root cause(s) of your problem, and do the work it takes to get well. It is now time to focus on the long term.
If you cannot seem to control the feelings of panic and you are getting attacks fairly often, please, do yourself a favor and go see a doctor. There are medications that can help quickly difuse the attack and help to calm you, just be careful... .don't depend so much on medication that you then have another problem on your hands, make every effort to learn to control your body/mind and calm your nerves... .