I spoke with my dBPDbf today after this weeks silent treatment and once again he was apologetic and reiterated how scared he was by the latest development in his illness. It was kind of as I thought... . he felt like he was doing all right with my chemo and that it made me sick. That the hair loss reminded him again that it was real and he freaked. We talked about my hair, joked about the kinds of wigs I should wear and all seems calm for now.
I sometimes try to understand what might have been going through his head when he has an episode by asking questions. I don't push too hard or pry to deep because I'm not his therapist and I don't want to be, but sometimes I get some insight into his BPD mind (and it makes me glad I don't have to live there). He's tried once or twice to describe what it feels like to not know who or what you are from a BPD perspective, but stops short because he doesn't feel capable of doing it and is afraid he'll scare me. Today was one of those times.
However, he then sent me a song and said, "You asked, so... . this is kind of touches on what I used to feel like all the time before I was aware I was even feeling this way. Now I feel like this some of the time." It's haunting and sad, but I thought I'd post it: