In one of our last talks she admitted (as she had many times before)... . "I'm a mess in relationships. I am the most destructive person you will ever meet... . " the conversation persisted for a little while and she said something I found very odd:
"I think I do have borderline personality disorder, but I think it only comes out with you"
Could there be any hint of truth in this? I know a mental illness is not elective like this. BUT, is it possible that her mental illness is better contained when I'm not around. Or was this just a quip in the spirit of splitting me black and taking the blame off her?
I'm inclined to agree that certain people and certain r/s's can be extremely triggering for someone with a PD.
My exBPDbf had his most stable, successful long-term relationship with a woman who didn't trigger a lot of abandonment/engulfment fears. It wasn't a "great" r/s (he can be a, let's say, difficult person under even good circumstances), and both of them hurt each other and themselves, but it didn't send him reeling headlong into trauma and chaos.
I honestly feel terrible for triggering him so badly. If I'd known what I was dealing with, I'm not sure I would have stayed. He had his life in a pretty good state before me. Knowing what I know now, looking back over everything, I realize that this r/s has probably f#cked him over far more than it has me, in the long run.
That doesn't mean that I blame myself, or anyone else. It is, sadly, what it is. I can only hope to minimize the damage by taking care of myself and detaching. It's the best thing for both of us.