Divorce finalized in July, wrapping up last of the financial details, one of the last big one being selling the marital house, which neither of us wanted. Because of that and the fact that we still have a son who is 17 1/2 but lives with me full time and technically we have joint legal custody, I have not been able to go completely NC with the now ex-uBPDw.
I have however done a pretty good job at not responding to her emails, which have slowed to about once a day, unless it specifically involves the kids. I am still working on not even reading them, but that is a struggle. However with each day free of the FOG, i can see more clearly just how distorted the BPD way of thinking is. Today I literally laughed out loud when I read the following first line of her email:
I want you to know that I am heavily involved in recovery counseling, and that YOU have some pretty deep seeded issues to deal with.
I think that perhaps sums up most of our whole marriage.