I'm glad you had a cathartic experience -- I did the same thing and was amazed how no eye contact could have such an effect. I didn't get flustered or trip up or get angry or anything that I thought would happen. I felt tense but not afraid.
Wrung out is a good way to describe the after effect. Even when I was awarded full custody, and again when the judge terminated N/BPDx's visitation, it was hard to feel relief or anything else because the experience was so deflating and like you say, wrung out. Usually my emotions don't fully sort out until a few hours later when I can process everything.
Do you have any more hearings after that?
Hi lnlearned! Yes in the new year there will be a more robust meeting with our lawyers arguing it out. Meantime my ex has a long list of financial questions to answer. Whether he will or not is anyone's guess. I'm not holding my breath. At least I have a breathing space before the next round of nonsense.