DD applied for a 2 bedroom apartment in the next town (5 miles away) and I got approval today for her to rent it from the owner. It is a Victorian house built in 1900 for the Owner or supervisor of the coal mine that founded this town. A little run down from it's original glory. THe 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms have been divided in to 5 separate apartments. The 2 bedroom is through the big front door, original hardwood floors ( hey mom, I don't need a vacumn just a broom and mop - she hates the vacumn, too noisy and awkward and it sucks up shoe strings etc), beautiful round topped windows in front. It feels like a 'real house', not just an apartment. We are all so excited for her. She has a friend that is interested in sharing this with her, which really will help with the rent.
I told the onsite manager (he has one of the small apartments) since I was co-signing DD and I would be having a bi-weekly cleaning party. This way I can quietly keep track of how she is doing and if any unwanted's are staying there. One of her biggest problems managing where she lives is keeping friends from staying over and not leaving.
I know reality will keep coming with those many steps back and forth. Just seems the steps forward are continuing to count for more than the steps back. Finding a path to unconditional love for my DD, while I stick to my personal values based boudnaries, has been a key change in our family. Plus taking better care of my own neediness in appropriate ways.
I will keep you posted as the move begins this week