hey Schermarhorn
emotions are rapidly changing. youre not acting on them, you are questioning them. seems like a good approach, to me. we cant necessarily control our thoughts and feelings (which are understandably out of sorts) but we can control our actions.
the questions can serve you, and you can provide answers. i found it very useful to almost interrogate myself like a child: id ask myself a question, or obsess on a thought, and instead of searching for a simple answer, id ask myself why i was asking it, why i was thinking that way, where was this coming from? id answer myself, to which id respond "why?" (more or less). id answer, id respond "why?".
i think that we each have to approach this line of questioning uniquely, but think of your line of questioning like following the string attached to a balloon. i get it if it sounds kooky; with practice it can provide you with a lot of clarity, which helps sort out the volatility of these thoughts