Hi all.
I'm still trying to decipher what's recently happened in my last romantic relationship and hope this forum will give me strength, and education?
I'm two weeks out of a relationship with a woman I believe (though not diagnosed) displays some BPD traits. I'm not an expert on BPD and may well be that she simply has a few issues I didn't cope with very well, I'll maybe never know?
I met her working in my local shop in October last year, and noticed immediately how attractive she was. She was very friendly & we spoke easily & freely for the few minutes I was being served by her. I left the shop knowing full well that I'd enjoyed the meeting and would return asap to enjoy a brief chat with her again.
Long story short... .I visited the shop two/three times a week for next few months & by march we were talking on friend to friend basis, rather than staff to customer basis. I asked her out on a date in April & she seemed to think I was joking with her, and to spare any embarrassment for either of us I left it at that. I visited the shop less after that and then didn't return until July... .when she was very obvious in her being pleased to see me again & asked me on a date!
The red flags started waving straight away but for reasons I need to focus on, I didn't just walk away. I found her spell binding & absolutely beautiful. However the warnings were there from the start that I was getting involved with someone who didn't have a good relationship past!
Some of the flags I spotted & ignored straight away.

She cancelled our first date three times, for reasons which I thought were a little lame. It was as though she was nervous about seeing me outside of her work place?

Was very demanding of my time throughout my day at work & txtd me far too much, also getting annoyed if I didn't reply soon enough to her. She seemed to want to know my movements at all times.

There was a lot of push & pull going on. She's claim she was feeling smothered, and then after pushing me away would profess her love for me & go all out to pull me back in.

She would be ok during the week but seemed to create an argument on a friday which wuld result in not seeing each other over the weekend... .then sunday evening she'd be in touch wanting to sort things out.

She had me staying over way too soon, even though her 14yr old daughter lived her. I struggled with this quite a bit, and often wasn't comfortable with how fast things were moving around me staying over when her daughter was obviously having to adjust to my being there.

Her ex partner had thrown gloss paint over her car! This was explained away as him being a whack job! But it didn't stop me thinking he was either mentally exhausted & flipped over the edge with her, or he was a genuine whack job & should I be concerned she dated this guy for 6 months?

I noted from conversations with her, that she'd had three relationships in twelve months & there had obviously been little to no time between these guys!

After our first major argument, she confessed the next day that she'd called up her ex of three guys ago because she was so upset with me. He apparently declared his undying love for her & said he'd wait for her! This was hurtful & I was left wondering if she had in fact not done it but just wanted to gauge my reaction.

If I said anything she didn't like, she'd fly off the handle to a level i found disproportionate to the situation or comment. She didn't seem to care about her remarks to me in these moments & her upsets were often dragged out for as long as possible as though I'd said things nobody could ever recover from!

Her apologies were very plastic feeling, like she was just going through the motions & there was no conviction or sincerity behind them.

Her feelings began to change on a sixpence! What she felt one day could be the opposite by the next day. It was exhausting!
I'm ashamed with myself for knowing all these things aren't normal & still hoping for a great relationship with her. I really need to make some sense of what's just happened to me, why I let it happen to me, and why I miss her like crazy when I've never missed anyone else so much, even though nobody else ever treated me so badly or behaved like this in a relationship with me?
I've been sucked in by a situation I knew was unhealthy.
If you got this far... .thanks for reading.