Hi Miserable Daughter! It is good to see you back and doing so well... .in spite of the anger (which I think is appropriate and to be expected BTW). I have thought of you since you moved and have wondered how things are going so I am very happy to hear that you have done so well changing things up. It sounds like your marriage is better and your son is now 6! And another one on the way! Congratulations.
Okay, so now, may I ask why your mother is going to visit for several weeks after your daughter is born? Is that something you want or do you feel that you have no choice? I understand you are having a c-section and it can make things difficult, but will having your mom around really benefit you or will it make things worse? Especially given all the emotions and unresolved and unhealed issues that are now rearing their ugly heads? How would you feel about saying no to a visit or limiting one to just a few days? You can always hire someone to come in and help you so you can rest and heal.
I have read that it is not uncommon for moms pregnant with daughters to go through some of the memories from childhood. I have never been pregnant so I can't comment much more on that. I do know that it can be a great opportunity to work on some of the issues that are haunting you. Chances are they are going to keep cropping up at various times during and even after your pregnancy.
And I keep thinking how much she doesn’t deserve to spend time with her grandkids the way she says “all other grandparents do.” She’s follows nothing I say and tries to just get my son on her side. I still remember, she would ask my dad to hold my son when he was a baby and would make me hold out my arms and would hold out her own arms to see who he would go to. When he went to her, she would love it and laugh with glee.
I remember this very well. Emotional blackmailing of a two year old is not at all reflective of being a healthy g-ma. Why give her the opportunity to do similar things especially when you are in a very vulnerable and emotional state? She may talk about 'other grandparents' but she is who she is.
Let's talk about this. I am hoping someone who has kids will respond as well. I am out of my experience zone here!