So... can you detail some of this more.
Some he said she said.
He insists... you say no and turn off phone or otherwise remove yourself... right? (I understand that it often doesn't seem that simple)
Another way to look at it. He insists because it works. What happens if his insistence stops paying off?
FF, the text conversation about the money went like this:
UBPDh: How's S2 and Moma (this was at 3:53 pm, seven minutes before I had to clock in for work and I did not respond to this.
UBPDh: (at 6:02 pm) You gotta come by and get some of this money. Later when your off. Don't ask questions.
--I did not respond--
UBPDh: (at 9:33 pm) I got s2 some stuff if he can come over tomorrow.
Me: I'm still at work. I have to close and I still have tables.
UBPDh: You got to come get this money please.
Me: I'm probably not getting off for another 45 minutes or so. I'm not going over there this late.
UBPDh: 500 dollars. Not asking you to hang out. Just get it and go.
UBPDh: Or I can bring it to you.
Me: No. You need it worse than me anyway.
UBPDh: What about s2 tomorrow.
Me: I'm not comfortable with that.
UBPDh: I went to store and got s2 and (my roommate's S2) some stuff. (sends pic of toys).
Me: Don't spend all your money.
UBPDh: Paid my rent. child support
UBPDh: It's not mine.
Me: Well, then I definitely don't want it. That sounds shady.
UBPDh: God is an awesome God. Jeremiah 29:11. It's good money.
Me: Whose good money is it then.
UBPDh: (sends another pic of toys) I got this for s2 and (my roommate's s2)
UBPDh: If I need the money worse than you then why you working extra. I'm just wanting to see our son and get caught up on lost time. Whatever you feel comfortable with. I just wouldn't do you like that. If you hadn't saw him in a long time I would let you see him anytime or watch him. What about I go to work then when you get done with your first shift tomorrow bring him over. And it's the govt's money.
UBPDh: Why are you not comfortable.
Me: I don't judge my decisions by what you would do. Im very cautious about what I do because I don't want there to be any chance of s2 coming under the radar of cps.
---I did not text him any more. He called at 11:30 pm. I answered. He told me the money was from a lottery ticket. Talked about what all he was able to pay and buy with it, lot of talk about God and was wondering how much of it he should tithe at church. Asked me my opinion. I said that the New Testament says to give what you have purposed in your heart, and to pray about it. Told him I was not going to let him watch s2 and that I would not have time in between shifts anyway to bring him over even if I was comfortable with that (which I am not, and he knows why, and we have been over the reasons why about ten zillion times.)
Last night he wanted me to come by to get some eggs. Eggs, of all things. Someone gave them to him and he can't use them because he is in a hotel room. Wanted me to pick him up some cigarettes. I never said I wanted the eggs, or that I was coming by. I texted him and told him s2 had a low fever and the babysitter had told me he was fussy, and I was going to get him. UBPDh asked to see him

and then texted "or just get him home." Thanks, that's what my plan was anyway. When I got home I got the following text;
UBPDh: Is he hot.
Me: A little.
UBPDh: I guess I thought I was going to get to see him and get some cigs. This sucks been without him and cigs all day. And him being sick makes me want one.
I did not respond. He called, I told him s2 was ok and he invited me to bible study the next day. I told him I had to open at work and then I would be babysitting until the evening.
This morning he texted:
UBPDh: hey mom, gonna be cool tonight so take s2 a jacket.
UBPDh: Hey text me first chance you get.
Me: What's up I'm trying to get ready for work.
UBPDh; never mind.
--He calls twice-- I don't answer--
UBPDh: If you have time and energy it would be appreciated could I get a energy drink and cigs this morning haven't had one in a few days.
UBPDh: OK please.
UBPDh: Never repay evil with evil. Feed your enemy and it will be as if throwing heaping coals on his head. I guess this means I am not your enemy. Im trying to understand you more and more but I don't.
Me: I have to be at work at ten. I told you that last night.
UBPDh: my bad you did. Stomach Is bothering me this am don't feel good. Please pray for me have a blessed day.
What do you guys make of this. It's a lot to read I know. I feel like I am doing good with not responding sometimes, but I wonder if I am making it worse by eventually responding even if I don't do what he wants. And the phone calls every night are getting on my nerves. I realized that I was answering them even when I did not want to, although i did feel that I should answer last night because I did want to tell him that s2 only had slight fever and he was ok. There were other texts yesterday that I did not respond to, mostly because I don't think that a response was necessary. Long texts detailing his prayers for the day and quoting bible verses. He's trying so hard to prove to me that he is "all about God." Still pushing marriage bible study which he calls counseling.
Read something last night about how domestic violence is not a marriage problem, and that pastors should not recommend marriage counseling. It's the problem of the abuser and his responsibility to seek specific help for it, and the wife should absolutely demand proof of substantial, consistent change before reconciliation is even considered.
Made sense to me but apparently not to uBPDh.