I'm joining this message board because I'm figuring out that my husband has BPD after 17 years of wondering what it is... .and why I haven't left.
Have a husband with so many layers of issues and baggage don't know where to start. We a have a pending crisis (his trial for careless driving ending in death).
It truly was a tragic accident that anyone could have been involved in (he stopped at the stop sign, waited for traffic to clear, looking into the sun, did not see the oncoming driver and pulled out in front of him. Other driver was in a jeep without a seat belt - swerved to miss and was ejected, died after 11 days on life support.
Judge won't let fact that other driver had no seat belt be introduced - which is probably the biggest contributor to the cause of death as a result of what otherwise would have been a fairly minor accident.
It appears to many objective people he is getting wrongfully prosecuted. This is leading him to exhibit all the classic symptoms/characteristics of BPD (that he has exhibited since I've known him) including severe mood swings, depression, I love you - I hate you, go away, you don't care enough, you aren't supportive enough, etc. and I'm about to break. He also belittles our 15-year old daughter. Won't seek therapy.
My daughter and I are both in therapy which in part led me to this resource. Can't wait to compare notes and get/give support from/to others here.