In particular the memory thing strikes me as relevant. people with BPD are impulsive, sometimes without recollection of why or even what they did; something about a part of the brain called the amygdala being affected. I'm no doctor so don't take my word for it, though it seems your wife fits the description.
I hadn't heard this before, but it happens with some frequency, and the impulsivity is very real. It's part of what I love about her, but in these situations it's upsetting.
She has still not checked on the time for Wednesday, she said let's play it by ear, see if she has time - after she ASKED me to book time off work.
The issue is that I don't set boundaries - the work topic is so HUGE for her, she has to feel she's more important than work so I try hard to give her that. In return, she has booked other things.
I often say it's like she wants to be invited to the party, but she doesn't want to come! She wanted me to book off work to spend time with her, but ultimately doesn't want any 'pressure' when other things come up. She said, can't we play it by ear - but I already booked 3 hours off work.
So here's what I said - "It's not okay to ask me for time and then disregard me and the time I booked. I'm not angry,just saying what feels okay for me and what doesn't. It doesn't feel okay to book off the time and then be pushed aside. My time is just as important as yours"
Thoughts? It basically ended there and no fight, so that's good.
But she will do this again - maybe next time I don't book off work when she asks?