Cpete18, I'm so sorry it was a rough day. Holidays come loaded with expectation for most people, and most of us with BPD loved ones have learned that holidays trigger them. What did your husband do that was selfish and childish?
My situation is a little different in that my husband is enmeshed with his BPD mom, I'm the third wheel when I'm with them. Holidays revolved around her and her wants/needs.
5 months ago I spoke out for the first time, respectful, but firm. This has set off a massively drawn out extinction burst, where I realized how much time he spends just keeping her happy. He isnt yet, and may never be, ready to consider a PD so we are slow walking it in therapy. After 5 months of months of marriage counseling, we took tiny steps to set different boundaries with her. Today we are taking a Thanksgiving meal to her house for the agreed upon 3 hr time limit, and because of their past behavior around holidays, I've already got a knot in my stomach.
It’s times like this when I think to myself “can I really do this for the rest of my life?” Driving around and seeing loved ones gathering and being happy and thankful for each other, I want that so badly.
I think most of us have felt this way. I dread our future because I know with aging, their enmeshment will probably get worse. I'm working hard to be present in the moment. I'm also working hard to focus on what I have the ability to control, because feelings of powerlessness (ie, victim mentality) creep in.
I'm so sorry you're heartbroken. We are here.
