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Author Topic: Wedding and Mother  (Read 620 times)

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« on: July 17, 2024, 06:10:51 PM »

Hello everyone,

This is a very long post.

I have no idea where to start. My partner and I are enegaged and soon to he married in October of this year(keep that in mind).

To start off with a little background, my mother was an orphan right when she was born. Her grandparents decided to adopt her, apprently that was an issue in the family. She had multiple father figures(Grandpa's and Uncle's) that passed during her childhood. She was in a long relationship with her ex till middle school into highschool, apperently the ex's mother didn't like her. Made a bargin with her ex, which was "If you break up with your girlfriend, I will get you a new car." And so after the breakup a month later she met my Father(they met at 16-18) they were togther for almost 30 years. He passed away 1 year and 8 months ago. My mother has other truama but I am not going to go into that because it is irrelevant (though possibly has some sort of connection).

Growing up with her, I thought my childhood was fine and normal. Though I have some memories that do come up that seem strange regarding my mother. Regarding myself, I had learning issues and so I was homeschooled. We argued a lot, some of it was me not listening or struggle to comprehend which brought frustration with my mother. I remember, one time during a meltdown in grade school (due to not understanding and stubborness) she threatened to get rid of my cat(which is also passed). Another memory, was again in grade school. Everything was fine and then I had misunderstanding of an assignment and from her understanding my tone changed and she randomly slapped me. I do remember getting slapped a lot, I noticed when these issues happened her voice would get under my skin and still does till this day(my anxiety goes up).
I was compared too growing up, ussually with a friend who seemed to be more ahead. When I had meltdowns too, she would compare me to bad people as well. I believe this was the start of my negative self talk and not liking my self is rooted in. I never felt like I was like my peers and it bothered me.

In highschool, things were okay. There were a couple moments. I do believe there are more bad memories but I have blocked them. The first memory, was freshmen year and I wasn't understanding a math equation. She got frustrated and started to talk about ny learning challenges and my diagnoses of Auditory Processing Disorder. How the Dr's said I was retarded and will never go to
college. During that time, I mention how I was struggling with my mental health during an argument and she yelled back how I was selfish and wanted attention. Junior year, I was in a long relationship, my ex and I took photos that came off looking like engagment photos(which I was not aware at the time) and my house turned into a battleground. My mother flipped out, saying I should leave and pack my bags(Note: I forgot to mention in every example of an argument I have had with my mother she almost always mentioned kicking me out). Now, when she did this my Dad would step in and tell her to stop. I was reslly scared of her and was hiding, I remember talking to my ex who knew what was happening and was concered. When I tired to communicate to my mother her hurtful behavior she always deny's it(gaslighting) so, it brought massive confusion.

During college years, my mental health crashed. Towards the end my fathers death I had some bad truama happen. I was hard to be around yet my parents weren't really understanding which caused some anger towards them. My father felt like I didn't like him yet that was not true(he also caused some hurt). One of the memories was in a trailor, my mother and I were arguing. I threw the coffee insulator on the counter due to my mother going around the mountain on a subject and I was overwhelmed with. My father instantly grabbed me and threw me against the fridge and got into my face. I was really hurt after that and our relationship was not the same, I have tried to bring up that situation to my mother(Yet, no understanding! so I dropped with her).

Then my father got really sick and passed. During it all he expressed how he was concerned about me (like heading down a bad path, yet I was just diagnosed with depression and PTSD). When he passed, my mother turned for the worst. All she talked about was my Father though anything I was struggle with she couldn't handle. If I had a low moment(or PTSD episodes which one mintute you are fine the next you feel strange due to a flashback) she would snap at me! she did that before when my father was alive(and my Father would defend me). She kept accusing me that I have Bipolar and saying how it was not normal. Another memory, was I was walking on campus and was crying due to epsiode. I called my mother and she snapped and stated "I can't handle you right now, I don't want to hear about *insert subject* anymore" I felt so rejected like I felt like I was 6 years old lost in public. I went to emergency therapy on campus, the therapist told me "My mother is not well, and not a safe person to share struggles with" and that was def a wake up call. Nontheless, she puts my father on pedal stool and it affects my grief to the point where I don't want anything to do with my father.

Moving on, I am now engaged to my fiancé who I met 6 months after my fathers passing.
My mother has a family friend who has have feelings for my mother(Now this person is 75, my mother is 50! this person was also my father friend for years). This man has brought a lot of pain to the point where if he died I would be jumping and spitting on his grave after the toxcity he has put me through. My mothers friend, kept "providing" for us though there were ties since he had feelings(I don't there were was any sexual stuff but who knows now). The last time he visited which was last month everything went wrong. Inwas doing EDMR, I warned everyone that there could be side effects and none of them listened nore respected! They all kept talking about my father, and her friend kept expressing how he wants my mother to find someone though he really wants her. I have expressed to please stop, and he would never respect my boundaires this caused suddent rage epsiodes towards him such as screaming in his face and throwing hot tea at him due to cussing at me (for example randomly saying "Shut the PLEASE READ up" after teasing or expressing boundaries). I have apoplagized to him but he has held grudges. Nonetheless, I worked on my anger towards him, and really worked on being nice towards him and ignore his mean behavior.

After doing EDMR, the next day was so rough. I processed some things that made my weep. My mother comes in with an attitude and expressed "What is your deal." I said, "I need some space and I will be out there in a mintute." she got angered and tried touching me, I put my arm out to defend myself. I then stopped crying and walked out to the living room to work on the wedding invitations. Her attitude was bad, she expressed how she is invited people who I don't care for at the wedding! I expressed to her "Why invite these people who don't care to a wedding." and she stated "It is for your favor incase something happens." and then she said "I am done, you don't need my help." Her friend was silent and watched! the next day, I saw her friends phone on and joked how she might be taken off the wedding list which hurt. Then later comes in my room and said "I am not coming to your wedding, I feel like you don't like me, that you think my breathe stinks, that I am embarrssing." my mouth dropped and realized my mother is really not well. Her friend found out, and he kept pressuring me into begging her to come to the wedding. I said "She is her own adult, it is her choice! I made it clear that I want her to come to the wedding."

My mother also expressed to not tell my fiancè about her not coming to the wedding which is a red flag. Her friend expressed that my mother was not well and she is showing signs of a personailty disorder. Then my mother and I argued again and he got disreceptful and said "Do you have any empathy for your mother?" I expressed how I don't know how to handle my mother and how hurt I am with her. He then started to throw a fit how, if I don't fix this with my mother and that a demon is in the mix of this! it will affect my marriage(which also sounded crazy and uncomfortable).

I did open up a little to her friend, about my concern about my mom. He took advantage if that, went behind my mother and said the same thing he said about my mom to me. So, basiclly saying I have a personailty disorder and a fragmented mind. I was so upset when I heard this, I told my mother how he is trying to divided us but she didn't believe me.
He then yelled at my twice, we were in the car(since her friend wanted to help with fiances for the wedding). I was quiet since I had nothing to say, my mother read into me being quiet and got upset and said "I am going to go home now." her friend lashes out and said "Your PLEASE READing attiude sucks" and I said "Can you please not get involved, you are not helping! please give me space before you affect my attiude more." and he said "Ill give you space" in a snarky attitude. Then when we got home, he lashes out again, and I lost it I said "You talk bad behind my back and my mothers saying and accusing us the same stuff." and then he said "You need to apopalgize to your mother" I said "You are not my father". Then my mother send my a message how he took away the fund for the wedding and my mother. She wanted me to fix it, so I apopalgized and expressed he kept accusing my mother and I the same issues. He was not respectful.

Now, my mother wanted to move on! When the family friend left(which I have blocked) she switched and kept bringing up our arguemnt how she was embarrsesed and humilated! though, we have had worst arguments infront of her friend! Now during her arguments, she almost always brings up her sob story of how she was orphaned and saw a lot of death growing up! That she wants a new family(which my father told me that when I was 6, that she wanted a new family). During this time, my fiancé wanted me to go to his parents which is 8 hrs away! My mother wouls say "I don't feel peace you going up there." after going around the mountain with her 10 times. I decided to leave without saying goodbye. Due to the crazy aruging, accustions, and threats. Accusing me of being reall mentally ill, that I need to be put in a hospital, accusing me of being abusive, and other crazy stuff. My fiancé and i were gonna elope(we have thought about it for awhile and tonget away from my mother), and so he called her since he lives 8 hours away to express we are going elope! and she lost it! Accused him of being disresptful and kept bringing up my Father to him. Though, he expressed to his parents and I that he was respectful. He also accused of my fiancé of being a evil sex addict. Everytime I bring up these accusations and threats she says "I don't remember."

My fiancé father called my mother and he was so warn out that he couldn't express any of the conversation since he didn't want anyone to worry. Though we all caught her lying, since she was doing her sob story towards his father. One of the lies was, how I canceled my flight ticket to Michigan which I didn't. Another was me cheating on my fiancé and how I hate her.

Anyways, that's all I can remember but I don't know what to do! I can't stand her and she ruined the wedding experience(She has been controling with the wedding too, saying we need a DJ though we can't afford it and she won't tell us who the catering is to my fiancé and his family(as well as me). I know after reading the book there is going to be massive boundaires but I don't want to be in relations with her! she acts like a totally different person with others but my Fiancé and I it is different! I am tired of how people praise her but she isn't that great! she has really hurt me and I can't be around her and will not!
 I am heartbroken and beyond pissed at her! to the point where if something happens to her a load of anxiety would be gone. I get nightmares of her too. Has anyone been through this? feeling stuck? I know someone people just elope but my mother and her abuse has put me in such a bad place where I am scared to do that. Lastly, do anything towards the wedding has been a wound and hard like decorations since there is no support and no family, def feels alone.
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« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024, 05:03:14 AM »

Hi Koziii-

We all have different situations but some common patterns. For reference, I am married with grown children. With my wedding, I let BPD mother be in charge- I didn't know any different, I just knew I had to go along with what she wanted.

That said- I think weddings are about the couple- with some concessions for family as it is a combination of two families, but with a disordered mother- it could be difficult to come to an agreement.

I am sorry about your loss of your father. Mine passed away a while back. It was also a chaotic time and my BPD mother's behavior escalated during his illness and after as well. I had to realize this is more about her and their dynamics rather than me.

BPD mother was also critical of me growing up. It's not your fault you had some learning differences and it doesn't mean you aren't capable. I believe that if you didn't struggle with some schoolwork, your mother would have found something else to be critical of- that aren't about you. These are projections.

My BPD mother also has a social persona- she is different with people outside the family. But for you- you know what you know and you can make your own choices. Your future is with your fiance. It appears that if your mother's "friend" is interested- then maybe this is her future- and that would be a good thing for her- to have someone. But your future is yours to decide on.

One way I have learned to avoid drama over events is to not accept any money from my parents. My parents paid for my wedding and so- it was my mother who was in charge. It sounds like your wedding is involving a lot of drama. Since it is soon, it's probably too late to cancel plans without losing a deposit. If it isn't too late- you could cancel if you wanted to but I think that could escalate the situation. ( I thought about eloping at times too). So how to move forward with this wedding and reduce the drama? (reducing doesn't eliminate it but how to calm it down).

Know that what your mother says in the moment is an emotional reaction and she could change her mind at any time. It's about her not being able to manage her own feelings. What she says is more about her than you. She may have said she's not coming to the wedding- tomorrow she may change her mind. Yes, you have feelings about this but not reacting- staying neutral- she can do what she wants, attend or not. You are getting married regardless!

If you are paying for the wedding- you control the budget. If your mother wants a DJ and you can't afford it, the response is no. If she is paying, you may have less control. If this whole situation becomes constant stress and is too much for you- then cancelling plans and eloping may be the better step. If you do continue with the wedding-BPD mother will have her friends there- you and your fiance can spend time with your friends.

I wish for all couples that their wedding is their special day and a lovely memory- but it doesn't define how the marriage will go. One amazing day doesn't insure a good marriage and a simple elopment doesn't mean less of a marriage. However this goes- know that you can move forward with your fiance and have boundaries with your mother.


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« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024, 03:08:47 PM »

Hello Notwendy,

Thank you for responding, your response gave a sense of relief As well as, very relatable to what you stated above.

Nonetheless, what you shared I was already thinking! My fiancé kept pushing elopement(which I agreed with)Yet, I did my best to explain it will make things worse! which I can't handle! There have been a handful of times where I almost went to the hospital due to my mother triggering me and her mental state! I know she may not be aware of it(or it) but holy crap. I agree, as well "No is no" regarding what my fiancé and I are paying for regarding wedding! She is only paying for food but with that little power she trys to really control. If she was paying for the whole wedding, I would have done what you did. Just let her in control sadly, but when dealing with a person like that...it feels like that is one of the only options to stay safe emotionally(and boundaries of course which the book has been helping on that).

I just think my fiancé and I need to take a step back and be more aware and careful regarding my mother! As well as boundaires! though sadly, we know there is going to be another blow up. Def, going to keep studying in this subject. 
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« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2024, 04:01:28 AM »

My BPD mother has done that too- offered to pay for part of something, then expects to add guests or change things.

In my family, we were expected to just obey her and do what she asked. It's still difficult to say no to her.

If your mother is only paying for the food- your boundary is your finances- she doesn't have a say in the rest of it. But likely she doesn't see it that way- the "pay for the food" is a Trojan Horse.

I agreed to letting her to do that once- at a family get together - thinking "it's just food right" Nope- it was drama too. I ended up calling the restaurant and canceling.

There may still be time to change the food selection- if you really wanted to take control over the wedding. Decline her money and pay for the food- even if you have to compromise with something less expensive. Guests are attending for you.

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« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2024, 01:44:05 AM »

Hello Notwendy,

Been needing to respond, I agree and thank you for sharing.
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You can't reason with the Voice of Unreason...

« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2024, 10:00:47 AM »

Several years ago there was a young member here who was getting married and worried over just one person - her mother - who was almost guaranteed to act out.  So her problems were simpler than yours, you feel fragile and certainly can't deal with too much out of control.

What she decided to do, with just one problem person, was to hire a couple off-duty cops to station themselves near her mother so that when she started to take over they could escort her out.  Yes, a bit extreme, but it worked for her.

This is your wedding, not your mother's, not her elderly boyfriend's either.  She will call you an ogre but you and your future husband have a right to select your guests, after all they are guests at your wedding, not hers.  You can limit guests based on food, space and financial limits, though of course if she is paying for it that's difficult to address.

When I meet couples preparing to marry, I often find a way to share this advice... no matter how well you prepare there will be *something* go wrong, whether small or large, so take it in stride.

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« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2024, 01:30:31 PM »

Wow, Imagine if you could have afforded to hire a wedding planner? I expect that your mother would have tried to control them too. Its such a shame that pwbpd struggle with boundaries and your mother cannot seem to adhere to your wishes. Every big event our family had always  had one family member (who I suspect suffers with bpd )make it about themselves usually by feigning some kind of illness, or starting an argument so just be aware of that happening.

I have no advice to offer, but just hope that you and your fiance have a wonderful day and wonderful life together. Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)
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« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2024, 06:32:00 AM »

Several years ago there was a young member here who was getting married and worried over just one person - her mother - who was almost guaranteed to act out.  So her problems were simpler than yours, you feel fragile and certainly can't deal with too much out of control.

What she decided to do, with just one problem person, was to hire a couple off-duty cops to station themselves near her mother so that when she started to take over they could escort her out.  Yes, a bit extreme, but it worked for her.

This is your wedding, not your mother's, not her elderly boyfriend's either.  She will call you an ogre but you and your future husband have a right to select your guests, after all they are guests at your wedding, not hers.  You can limit guests based on food, space and financial limits, though of course if she is paying for it that's difficult to address.

When I meet couples preparing to marry, I often find a way to share this advice... no matter how well you prepare there will be *something* go wrong, whether small or large, so take it in stride.

I will second the "something will go wrong" and we had a few glitches but they were minor. BPD mother did not act out at my wedding- it was mostly her friends and family- so she was motivated to be at her best.

At another family occasion later, BPD mother was older and Dad was gone at this time and needed a little assistance but at family events, she wanted someone by her side at all times. I was willing to help her but I also wanted to spend time with other people there as well. I got the idea to "hire a companion" for her. I found a caregiver for her for the event-who was to be her "plus one" friend- and she assisted her with restroom trips, getting a plate of food for her and being by her side. I didn't even tell her- the caregiver dressed up for the event just like a guest and was my mother's friend for the evening. Family and friends also spent time with her but we were free to be with others too.

I think an element of "acting out" is a need for attention. BPD mother got a lot of attention at my wedding. Bringing someone in to give her that attention reduced the risk of her acting out. I also didn't even know some of the people my mother invited to my wedding- but she is concerned about how her friends and family perceive her- she wouldn't likely act up around them. So the silver lining to your mother inviting people may be that she won't be as likely to act up around them.
js friend
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« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2024, 11:57:29 AM »

Notwendy: I love the idea of a caregiver  Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)

Ill try to remember this. I think it would work well for older pwbpd's and even make them feel more special, but maybe the younger ones would be more suspicious and irritated by someone being around them all night.
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« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2024, 12:53:24 PM »

No harm in asking people you trust to give some special attention to your mother during the wedding so she will be less inclined to make a scene. If several people are charged with taking care of her during the wedding, it will be less obvious and nobody will be overburdened by having to spend the whole wedding with her.

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« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2024, 04:54:43 AM »

Notwendy: I love the idea of a caregiver  Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)

Ill try to remember this. I think it would work well for older pwbpd's and even make them feel more special, but maybe the younger ones would be more suspicious and irritated by someone being around them all night.

I agree- it wouldn't have gone well with someone younger. This caregiver was great. She herself suggested she dress up to appear like a guest so nobody even knew. She had a great personality and the two of them got along.  I am grateful it worked out!
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