|  | Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry Author: Bebe Moore Campbell, Illustrated by E.B. Lewis Publisher: Puffin (October 6, 2005) Paperback: 32 pages ISBN-10: 0142403598 ISBN-13: 978-0142403594

Book DescriptionSome mornings, Annie's mother's smiles are as bright as sunshine as she makes pancakes for breakfast and helps Annie get ready for school. But other days, her mother doesn't smile at all and gets very angry. Those days Annie has to be a big girl and make her own breakfast, and even put herself to bed at night. But Annie's grandma helps her remember what to do when her mommy isn't well, and her silly friends are there to cheer her up. And no matter what, Annie knows that even when Mommy is angry on the outside, on the inside she never stops loving her.
About the AuthorBebe Moore Campbell (February 18, 1950 – November 27, 2006), was the author of three New York Times bestsellers,
Brothers and Sisters,
Singing in the Comeback Choir, and
What You Owe Me, which was also a Los Angeles Times "Best Book of 2001." Her other works include the novel
Your Blues Ain't Like Mine, which was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year and the winner of the NAACP Image Award for Literature; her memoir,
Sweet Summer: Growing Up With and Without My Dad, and her first nonfiction book,
Successful Women, Angry Men: Backlash in the Two-Career Marriage. Her essays, articles, and excerpts appear in many anthologies. Campbell's interest in mental health was the catalyst for her first children's book,
Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry, which was published in September 2003. This book won the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) Outstanding Literature Award for 2003.
Reading level: Ages 5 and up.