Hi Lady31... .
I started just not asking, doing my own thing and acted completely uninterested in the fact that he was not acting like a loving H. This ruffled his feathers some - which caused him to offer some things for a little while - but was short lived.
That is about where I and my uBPDso is at... .
It shouldn't be this way - but it is with them. You accept it and fill your own needs or move on. There is no changing someone. I was extremely neglected throughout our marriage.
Yes, I have radically accepted that "he is as he is" and change is NOT a promise; heck it probably isn't even a possibility on his part but I CAN CHANGE if I want to, I CAN grow and continue to make MY life better. I am sorry to hear of NEGLECT... . I think neglect is abuse in the most insidious form. (not to minimize physical or sexual abuse at all... . it is just do deeply damaging in a different way)
One time my H came in unexpectedly and I was BAWLING and he heard me and stayed in the living room acting like he didn't hear me so he wouldn't have to comfort me.
This is A COMMON response for him. I try NOT to emote anything around him anymore.
A normal spouse who heard their wife bawling would go to see what was wrong.
EXACTLY. They are NOT normal.
It's sad really - and can really affect your self esteem over time. I pray you find what you need and realize your value is not based on his disfunction.
I can see, with what you have endured about "offering to spend time with him" and he turns it around as "you are being demanding"? What a putz. I don't offer anymore. I realize that he is less and less interested and "able" to provide for MY needs. His loss.
Sorry about your losses.
Thanks... .
I lost my dad in February, and while my uBPDso was great while my father was in the dying process (sick then 6 weeks on life support) he had this crazy idea that once my father died, the grieving would stop, the pain would go away and I would go back to normal.
I am sorry for your loss too... . it has been hard, I lost mom Sept 2011 and I miss her terribly; losing dad "seals" her passing as well as his own... . Have you thought about grief counseling. I have been in counseling since August... . it helps. I certainly CANNOT talk to HIM about anything... . I need someone to "hear me". It has helped me... .
JUST TODAY, I asked him what he thinks of a woman who was abused by a man, over a LONG period of time and how it changed how she felt about herself, him and relationships in general and he said... . are you READY FOR THIS? "she should JUST GET OVER IT"... . well, talk about COMPASSION... . he doesn't expect himself to "just get over it" when he is hurt by something. Of course, he is the KING of DENIAL also.
My grieving accompanied by him going through another one if his "spells" (for lack of better words) through me into a deep depression. It took me several months to shake that feeling.
I am sorry to hear that; hope you are feeling better; this is where I was in May - November... . I think I have been feeling better; more confident, resolute and able and willing to TAKE CARE OF MYSELF no matter what he does.
Maybe stop asking him what he wants to do and start doing what you want to do?
Exactly; I sit at my computer while he is on his computer, he tries to talk to me about the tv or his game and I am "in my own world". touche.
Go in the other room and put in a movie, act like he isn't even there. You will get to watch your movie without the gnawing feeling he would rather be elsewhere. And he will probably be so thrown off by your interest in him, he will follow you in there any way.
I go upstairs and watch on the other big screen and get comfy in bed. Went upstairs last night at 7:30 and asleep by 10 p.m... . nice.
Mine always has a lack of interest in what I want to do.
It hasn't always been that way though, right? At first, he was VERY interested and then became less and less with each "new blame" for how I have messed up his life, blah blah blah... . we were suckered in for sure.
But when he does it, always has a good time.
I try not to get excited when HE is interested. I give MORE than he does but I don't give as much as I used to.
It's to the point where I stopped asking. This is what I am doing, you can join me or not. More often than not he does.
That's good hon... . I am glad to hear it but I am dealing with an ADDICTIVE behavior. He has been playing from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. Just bought "more time" to play his game so he has averaged 14 hours a day, YES A DAY, since early November. He hates to "have to go out" like today to buy dog food and treats and of course, the GAME STORE to buy "more time" for his game. I might as well be invisible. I still say it is HIS LOSS, much more than it is mine.