I haven't been on this board for awhile. I have been separated from my husband twice now, and I was trying to deal with it rather than get caught up in all the similar stories here. I was finding that I was always looking for hope here, and maybe using it to avoid my own life.
The role of bpdfamily Salut, is to learn new ways to deal with BPD/your partner and to also explore your role in the dysfunction.
The board can sometimes be mistakenly used for validation. This is good to a point until such time as we need support to look within for the answers.
We come here for answers about how to fix our partners - when what we need to do is look for ways to fix us, determine what we want... . so maybe its time to really think about you/your life. You know BPD all too well. You know the facts.
Was unhappy with sex, because he says I am a prude (said as nicely as he could).
Blaming you! Not on! Very difficult to have a good healthy sex life with an abusive partner/high conflict relationship. It’s the first thing to falter.
And he has been exploring his own sexuality. Thinks he is bisexual. Says he hasn't done anything, but I'm not sure people come to this conclusion without doing something. He also says he thinks the sex stuff is more prominent when he is stressed.
He maybe using sex to self soothe. BPDs also suffer from identify disturbance.
Seemed to think that would help me, but my life is mostly stress with him. So all he really told me is that when things get rough, he will make them even rougher.
I accepted all this at first. Maybe it explains some stuff. In spite of what he thinks, i am fairly open minded. But I am starting to melt down. Not only have I lost my home, my partner, I'm starting to feel ... . crushed. I thought we would always have a certain respect for each other. But I feel cheated on, lied to, tossed aside. And I don't even know what has happened.
He doesn’t see it as disrespectful Salut. BPD happened – conflict happened – you are unhappy.
Salut, this situation sounds rough on you – what do you want for you. What are the reasons for wanting to work on this?