In my ex's case alcohol made the instances of crazy crazier.
Agreed, this was my case as well. At first she'd have one or two at night to unwind and "relax".
I never forced her to stop drinking because she handled it well, but alcohol did lead to what I remember as our first major fight where I ended up in tears as she threatened to leave over something so dumb. That's the first time I really got to experience her crazy and blowing things way out of proportion.
With me she stopped drinking on her own, mind you I probably feel for her when she was pregnant and unable to drink. So in my case, alcohol made everything worse.
Before I found out about BPD I simply blamed the alcohol as it was a huge factor in ending us as she would go out drinking with her office mates who one was the replacement while I stayed home and looked after daughter.
Both times she got rid of me she started heavily drinking and partying again.
She's the type that the more she drinks the more sex she wants to have but also gets meaner, she of course would deny this but I'm always sober so I am the one witnessing reality versus fantasy.
She got pregnant by mistake while she was drunk, yet she doesn't understand why I hated when she drank, we fought when she drank, and she was extremely flirty and horny.
Why wouldn't I have a problem with her going out with other guys and drinking, did she think I was dumb?
Overall I fell in love with sober her, as soon as she had any type of alcohol in her it was like a poison that killed us.