45 days out of a 3 year r/s with uBPD/NPD ex gf and just got past 30 days n/c. The n/c part is extremely difficult because she lives on my block and I've had to go to great lengths to protect against accidental contact (walking dog, out playing with her kids, at the coffee shop, etc.).  :)etachment is tough when you are logistically so close. I'm working with my T to dig in to old "hurts" I brought into the r/s from my childhood to help me understand why I chose to be in an emotionally abusive r/s, why I stayed as long as I did and why I went back to it three times after attempting to cut the cord in the last year. I'm firmly out now, but struggle with all the normal emotions.
My ex gf wasn't officially diagnosed with a PD, but the T we went to nearly two years ago that I still see today has told me that she believes my ex is "very young" emotionally and exhibits vulnerable narcissistic and borderline traits. My T thinks the root of my ex's issues was from sexual abuse by a female HS coach as a teen and possibly from a lack of emotional attachment with her mom at a much younger age. Her life is filled with chaos and her young kids all are suffering from childhood anxiety disorder along with other issues. She would have bouts with emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression and some rage. It was not uncommon for her to attempt to rewrite history by denying things she said or did while in a dysregulated state. She wouldn't respect my boundaries and showed little to no empathy for my feelings. There was no responsibility shown for her words or actions. Emotional blackmail/abuse, some verbal abuse happened throughout and then some physical abuse occurred at the end of the r/s. I just couldn't live with it any longer and cut the cord on the r/s in mid December. I tried radical acceptance along the way, but I just couldn't make peace accepting what I was seeing and enduring.
Ok, so in reading about NPD and BPD traits, I came across a pretty good article titled "Relationships with emotionally immature people". What they describe is so right on with my experience. What also stuck out to me was such a fine line between what the author was describing and what I've read are traits of NPD and BPD. So, is this a "chicken and the egg" type of discussion? Is emotional immaturity a main component with PDs? Or, is it possible to be emotionally immature to the degree the author describes and not have a PD? I'm just trying to make some sense of what I know was irrational behavior.
Here's the article: