Hi Booklvr9,
Backstory: BPD female partner and I (female) have been together for over 30 yrs. Currently raising our 2 adopted kids (D-age 12, S-age 9) in a very good school district. I pay almost all bills and do 90% of house maintenance, cleaning, cooking. Want her to leave but I do not have the $20K-$30K necessary to pay her half of home equity, and of course she spends all of her money on medicine and clothing, so cannot afford to leave -- not that she wants to. So we are living in the same house for purposes of co-parenting.
this may or may not work. There are intimate, loving, hating, fighting, sleeping together and apart couples on this board. Distance and boundaries often help to manage symptoms so chances are it stays manageable for a a few years. Respect is key for a relationship with a pwBPD.
Issue -- I've set boundaries (separate bedroom, no sharing bathroom, no physical affection, etc.) but otherwise things are pretty much the same... . except that I am ready to move on and meet/date other people... . but BPDp still thinks she can "win me back". I've explained that this ain't gonna happen. Can this really work? How have others handled it?
this moving on to new partner while living with a long term partner who has not detached however sounds like trouble stored up. You may want to read the LESSONs on the LEAVING(!) board to understand the detachment process. PwBPD can form very, very strong attachments and considering the timespan you mentioned and her current behavior this process has not fully run its course - if it ever will.