But I still catch myself drifting a bit every now and again. And I think that is alright. I mean, I have only had this clarification of everything that has happened to me in my life for a short time. I'm bound to have residual gunk from that life.
Absolutely Right! What you're feeling I'd say 99 percent of the people on this board have or are feeling. I still feel it. It takes time to get out of the FOG. It takes time to really understand ourselves and the our interaction with the Disorder.
It's PTSD, Trauma Bond, Limerence, Intermittent Reinforcement... .
A soldier who comes back from Iraq and after years may still get an adrenaline fight or flight response from seeing a box by the side of the road. It's PTSD. It takes time to move through it.
And it takes time to not want to fix. It takes time to accept that the Disorder created a person that we really never knew, and that we volunteered to interact with a Disorder that produced an interaction that really wasn't anything I thought it was... . ever.
Take it easy. It's taken me time, and at times I still wonder... . maybe she'll come to her senses, and apologize, and get into therapy, and realize that I was the love of her life, and that she made a terrrible mistake and that she wants to make it up to me, and she will become a whole person... . I she will understand that we are soulmates
But the truth is that she can't even remember me. I might pop into her mind if she needed something, but really she thinks I'm evil doesn't even know why she ever was with me, and for the most part has simply blocked me out of her mind. I'm not even on her radar.
And the truth is that it wasn't about me personally. It was never about what made me special. It was just that I was willing to be mirrored and willing to move toward an interaction.
I was just the next guy in line at the dance. And now she's moved on.