Thanks so much for the great feedback and encouragement.
Sometimes I'm so detached that I feel such comfort from all of you. Maybe the result of years of invalidated emotions.
A brief background:
Fell in love, got pregnant, got married, was the queen of his world until being barely a year together, I was beginning to be painted black. I didnt understand why he was this way, did a search on passive aggressive husband behaviour and it got me to this great forum 2 years ago.
It's in my nature to be compassionate, patient, and was sucked into this sickness to be the rescuer.
Till now, the co-dependencies and guilt are with me all the time, waiting for another 4 days before my appointment with the lawyer is making me extremely nervous.
I'm afraid that I might turn around and 'forgive' him if he should contact me during the week to talk.
I dont have a therapist, girfriends are happy that I'm finally leaving. I feel that I will let them down more than my son if I were to go back to him.
I keep repeating to myself the 1 thing that he did last weekend that prompted me to call it quits.
He kicked me and my son(4) out of the house to my mom's just because he wasnt getting my full attention ( i'm having a tough work period, which is easing now).
He's a high functioning pwBPD. Hides it will and does well in his career. To those that know him for 2 or more years, they will know that something is strange with him (alot of nervous energy) but cannot point the finger on what problem he has.
With me and son, we help musk this from the outside world with only those close to me that know about it.
His friends may well been manipulated, and it has never bothered with me. I do turn up at some parties and can feel their nervousness around me, afraid that they might offend me.
Another thing that I remind myself is what my son said to me after our last fight. He asked me not to shout and throw his trains as he was trying to snuggle and fall asleep but I was being too noisy and he cant have sweet dreams. My heart was shattered and it was so wrong.
It was late at night I told h that I was tired and we could talk another time. He flipped and said I agreed to move out over the weekend and that he's amazed that I've not made arrangements with my mother.
I explained that I was tipsy the night before when we argued and sort of agreed to leave as he wouldnt let me sleep. He said that he didnt realized that I was tipsy, since I agreed to move out then I should.( it had to happen so that it makes sense to him)
He has always been controlling with money, made comments/insults about my Fbook posts and likes, complained about me not being a good parent when I spend almost 100% of the time after work and weekends with son while he's never around.
This time round, the trigger was my designer sunglasses purchase and Fbook post of a family outing.
Because of that, I had to be thrown out of my own matrimonial house?
the actual divorce wasn't finished for a few years after that - but the fireworks continued pretty much until our children were adults (and even a little spark now from time to time).
At what age were your kids when you left their mom and children being sucked in and affected by their illness is my greatest guilt and fear. I've always told myself that I'm the stronger one, I can help my son understand... most of the time it will be me on the receiving end anyway. I went on the forum and read quite alot of stories with children being greatly affected and seeking therapy with their non parent to understand this, even though the divorce was a number of years ago.
For the first few years after we split (I moved back home to a different state), she played some serious games with me and the kids. One day I could talk to them, the next day I couldn't (she wouldn't even pick up the phone). Then I was the nicest man on the plant, then I was scum. I tried to go see them once, was gonna drive 20 hours just so I could spend a few hours with them (they were on vacation in a different state than where she lived... . guess she needed a break) - she flipped and said she would go get them before I could get to see them.
That was so sick. My H will be heading back to the UK after the split for sure. Son and I will remain in Asia.
Not sure how the distance plays, I dont think he will communicate much with us. Then again, I really shouldnt assume anything.
Un-crazy people do not use their children like that against their other parent.
So, I just let the courts decide.
Whatever the cost or level of unpeacefulness didn't matter at that point. Her actions were directly negatively affecting my peace and my relationship as a father to his kids.
Hear Hear!
You must shelter and keep yourself/your son as safe as you possibly can from that storm right now. Go NC and use your lawyer or another third party to both negotiate and facilitate getting his current needs/desires/rights met. It will be better for everyone in the end - including, most significantly, him - to do everything you can to minimize the damage he's going to inadvertently, unintentionally, and, yes, even intentionally do as he tries to find some way to deal with what's going on right now.

I'm putting your advice in my notebook or reminders for me not to head backwards.