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Author Topic: when no amount of soothing or validating will calm them down  (Read 440 times)

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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic Partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 17

« on: June 07, 2014, 01:30:28 PM »

Its going on 3 weeks now since my husband has gone off the deep end. Of course threatening me with divorce and a whole bunch of other things like turning off my car insurance and phone.  I of course have no idea why this is all happening, I have my guess, but I really don't know for sure why Im painted PITCH BLACK out of nowhere. I think he was set off because I am buying a motorcycle. He has been saying for the last few years how he's wanted one. I work in the motorcycle industry and not all, but a big reason why I am now learning how to ride and why I bought one is because it will help me to a lot more in my job. My boss is not only giving me an unbelievable deal, he's also taking it out of my commission only paycheck. Makes it very affordable for me. I would never be able to do it without my boss's help.  I am a apparel and ecommerce manager for a big european bike dealership and have been for about 2 years now.

My H, for as long as I have known him, going on 10 + years, has always been in some sort of "band". He plays music and from the very beginning made it clear to me, that music is his #1 priority. Since that's how it's always been, I don't fight that, and never have. It's something that brings him happiness, if anything possibly can. So for the entire relationship, especially the last 3 years, he has left the house 4 times a week or more for "practice". Before we were married and after, he has spent countless amounts of money on music. He even spent $500 bucks on a tattoo while we were trying to save money to buy our own house. I don't have an expensive hobby like he does. I like to shop as much as the next girl, but I don't buy anything more than $20 at a time, and that is maybe only 1 or 2 times a week, if that. I can't not even tell you before buying this motorcycle when the last time it was when I spent more than $100 on just myself.  Since he spends so much of his free time as shows and practice, I have a lot of time to myself. Which I have come to enjoy quite a bit. I have never been one of those girls that is really clingy to their H's or BF's. The few times I do go to his shows, he refuses to put me on the list at the door, making me pay the cover and door fees when no one else in his band does that to their significant others. He even goes as far to tell me not to talk to him when I do go because this is his "job" and he's working. So I don't go that often anymore. Since I have such an awesome job, and great people who I work with, on Friday nights I have been staying and hanging out with everyone after my work day is over. We get pizza and beer and just have a good time hanging out. It's a bunch of us including the owners I work for and my H is usually never home on Fridays nights anyways because of his practice or shows. I have naturally become quite close with all the people I work with. So now that I will be a motorcycle rider like everyone else I work with, we all have something in common. So he has his own life and I have mine. He has spent money on stuff and now I have as well. I have told him repeatedly how much he needs in order to get a bike and what he needs to do and he chooses to spend his money on other things. I have been at my job for 2 years and he has yet to even step foot into my work. But yet he wants my boss to give him a deal on a bike? or let him barrow one to take his test on? I don't think so. If he would stop spending so much money on his music equipment, he could have more than enough money to get a bike.

The morning of this last outburst, his car broke down. Of course I don't care at all about our finances and I have no priorities is what he tells me and finally I yelled back. I may have a cool job where its fun, but I also work my butt off too. I work very hard for the money I bring in. I go every week surviving off just enough cash to be able to put gas in my car, all the rest goes directly into my H's hands for bills. The morning of his car breaking down, I rearranged my day, my dads day and someone else I work with so he could still work with no problems. When I got home, he kept going on and on about how much I don't care and what a piece of ___ I am. This is when I snapped a little and started to yell back. But i only said I wasn't going to let him speak to me that way anymore and that I wasn't his punching bag. I did go to the bedroom to get away from him when things started getting out of control and he followed me, screaming at me. I tried closing the door and he told me "don't you dare shut doors in my house, this is my house"! It isn't. If anything, its our together. But by this time I had already told him I will return to the conversation when he can talk to me with respect and didn't say one more word to him. He came back at me with " I don't want to be with you anymore, go f-ing chew on that". I pretended like I didn't hear him and put my headphones in. 2 nights later when I got home from work he came at me again making some sort of ridiculous accusations and making demands for more money from me. Again, pretended like I didn't hear him. This made him rage more, and he started threatening divorce for the first time that day. He also came into the bedroom where I was and grabbed my phone charger off the ground "cuz he paid for it". 2 more days later he sent me a text telling me that in 2 days I will need to get car insurance (which I did). To which I replied thanks for letting me know and that was it.

About a day or so later, he then started with the phone threats. I need my phone for work so I'm really trying to get set up elsewhere before he just interrupts my service. So I called AT&T and asked them if there was a way to switch the billing over into my name and there is a very simple way to do it online, but of course I needed my H's permission in order to do it. I sent him 2 texts asking him to give me the log in information so I could get my phone out of his name so he wouldn't be responsible for it anymore just like he wanted and he just ignored me. I get texts notifications when payments are made on my phone because my number was originally going to be his so I know that he paid the whole phone bill. But he is now refusing to take any kind of money from me now because he thinks that will help him get our house we rent, all to himself. He really doesn't understand the whole marriage thing, he thought he could give me 30 days notice and I would have to leave, Laugh out loud (click to insert in post)! He has probably told me to get out about 5 or 6 times since this first happened. I have told him very calmly that if he is choosing to not be in this marriage then he is more than welcome to leave himself but I will not be leaving just because he decides to give up one day for no good reason. He can divorce me and then when we end up in front of a judge, the judge can decided who can stay and who has to go, if our landlords haven't already kicked him out by then.

Last night he wasn't home, at one of his shows where he plays in front of the bartender and her bf only, you know, big important shows. He already took it upon himself to destroy all our wedding pictures that were in the living room and removed all of my stuff from the bookcase. He was also sleeping on the couch and I was sleeping in the bedroom, well am sleeping in the bedroom. Since its so hard to get ready in the morning now that he has taken up the living room as his bedroom, I decided to put my vanity and getting ready stuff into the bedroom. I also took the fan that has been in my bedroom since I was probably 16, that my H had been using. He didn't come home till about 4 in the morning and of course came right in the room where I was sleeping and took the fan back. I don't know how, but I was awake enough to comprehend what was going on and I got up and attempted to take the fan back. He grabbed it right out of my hands and was refusing to let me take it back. I wasn't going to fight with him over it so I just let him have it. He then went off the deep end yet again at 6 am this morning. The bed was "his" and the couch is "mine" so he came in the bedroom and said "if you want to play games lets play games" and proceeded to take off all the bedding and threw it on the ground. Then took both mattress off and put them in the living room. When he moved the box spring, he saw all the wedding stuff I was trying to protect from being destroyed in one of his rages and took a wooded board that holds up the mattress and started smashing all the pictures and breakable. I finally started getting upset at this point because not 12 hours earlier I had just put them there with the hopes they would be saved. I asked him why he was doing this and all he said was "because I f-ing hate you". I surprised myself that I was able to say to him calmy, well this is still your choice to leave the marriage but I don't understand why he can't just leave me or divorce me, why does he have to punish me, punish me so hard and I don't even know what I did that could create such hatred for the person you married. Yesterday I tried sending him an email telling him that I still loved him, that I wanted to be with him and only him and I will still be here when he's ready to talk to me calmly. He didn't respond.

I'm besides myself at this point. I have tried everything. I have tried ignoring which only seems to make him angrier, I tried listening to him and giving him what he wants, I have tried validating him, soothing him, telling him I love him. And with every nice word I say to him I get 3 harsh ones punched back in my face. There is just no way to calm him down. He really is going to throw away everything we have together and for nothing. How do you calm someone down who is that angry for no reason?
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 19076

« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 02:45:41 PM »

  How do you calm someone down who is that angry for no reason?

You don't

That's the plain and simple of it. 

I've read over some of your other posts and saw that you have read here for a while before posting.  That is good... . keep getting more information.

I am a big fan of recordings.  I'm a guy... . so I have to overcome stereotypes of big guy small woman... . it must be the man causing the problem.  I would also say that it is good for you to have if law enforcement ever gets involved.  Please do not use them to try and convince him you are right and he is wrong

I also want to let you know that what I am seeing in not "just" a rage.  Smashing things and physically acting out can be dangerous.  Please make sure and keep a cell phone or portable on you at all times. 

I still have a gut reaction to this that you need to spend time learning about limits and learning about how to properly "deal with" disordered thinking.  This not to say you have caused rages... . but there are things that are known to make them worse or that can trigger disordered thinking.

Hang in there and I hope you take comfort knowing that it is not about you... . it's about his thinking and his feelings.

Keep coming back and posting more questions


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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic Partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 17

« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 03:12:22 PM »

Thank you formflier, I am learning a great deal of limits or boundaries. Even though I didn't really realize thats what I was doing at the time, I think I was basically setting up a limit and this is why this rage is so out of control. I may not have done so in the proper way, but I did tell him flat out if he's not going to talk to me with respect and with insults I will not be apart of the conversation.

I have seen other people mentions documentation and thats exactly what I have been doing with this outburst. Im taking pictures of all the damage he has done, as well as taking screen shots of his texts and printing out his emails. I was just thinking about getting a recording device to record our very few interactions together. He seems to act like this is all my fault of course so I want to make sure if he tries telling anyone otherwise, Ill be prepared.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. Any help is so greatly appreciated!
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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 19076

« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2014, 03:24:06 PM »

Telling him the limit is a bit edgy... please think this through.  If you do verbalize... . do it once... . make sure you are clear and say it in an even tone.  Then never mention it again.

This is more about what you do... . than what you tell him.  Repeatedly telling him feeds the drama.

You can do this!  Go slow... . yep... I said that... . go slow.  Pick one limit at a time.  Very important that once you set one... . that you don't back down

keep posting and reading

Thank you formflier, I am learning a great deal of limits or boundaries. Even though I didn't really realize thats what I was doing at the time, I think I was basically setting up a limit and this is why this rage is so out of control. I may not have done so in the proper way, but I did tell him flat out if he's not going to talk to me with respect and with insults I will not be apart of the conversation.

I have seen other people mentions documentation and thats exactly what I have been doing with this outburst. Im taking pictures of all the damage he has done, as well as taking screen shots of his texts and printing out his emails. I was just thinking about getting a recording device to record our very few interactions together. He seems to act like this is all my fault of course so I want to make sure if he tries telling anyone otherwise, Ill be prepared.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. Any help is so greatly appreciated!



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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic Partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 17

« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2014, 03:59:03 PM »

So what do you suggest that I do now? It has gone as much as 2 or 3 months in the past without a single word from him while we were living together in Alabama. Right now he's not responding to anything I send him, text, email or otherwise. My last email to him was a "reminder" telling him that I still love him and that this divorce is his choice not mine and if and when he's ready to talk I will be here waiting to talk and that was pretty much it. The next day he removed "his" bed from the bedroom and put "my" couch in the bedroom where I was sleeping. He keeps telling me to get out, and up until this point I was going to hold my ground. Its our house and I have the sames rights to it as he does. If he wants to leave, it should be him. However, I am now getting a little concerned for my safety so maybe holding my ground on this one isn't such a good idea? The one only time I have ever left the relationship, I only moved out for break, to let things calm down and 4 days later I received a text that he was throwing all my stuff out on the lawn. He removed all my stuff from throughout the house, mostly wedding stuff and when he's not calling me a dumb B%#$@, he's telling me to leave. I moved my little vanity into the bedroom last night and made my bedroom living space as comfortable as I could with some of the things he removed from the living room and he completely went off the handle at 6 am this morning. Obviously, I am not going to try and talk to him at this point, about finances or otherwise. But what should I say or do the next time he tries to engage me in a fight?
Retired Staff
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 19076

« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2014, 04:07:50 PM »

I'm still not that good at posting links to other lessons.  I need to get you some stuff to read.

But... . there are a couple of acronyms to start thinking about.


Sorry you feel that way

That's your opinion


Perhaps you are right.

The theory... you don't want to ignore someone... that is rude.  This way you can acknowledge you are being spoken to... or yelled at... . without agreeing.

Make sure you don't






your actions.  If you feel you must... . do it once and move one.

Hang in there

So what do you suggest that I do now? It has gone as much as 2 or 3 months in the past without a single word from him while we were living together in Alabama. Right now he's not responding to anything I send him, text, email or otherwise. My last email to him was a "reminder" telling him that I still love him and that this divorce is his choice not mine and if and when he's ready to talk I will be here waiting to talk and that was pretty much it. The next day he removed "his" bed from the bedroom and put "my" couch in the bedroom where I was sleeping. He keeps telling me to get out, and up until this point I was going to hold my ground. Its our house and I have the sames rights to it as he does. If he wants to leave, it should be him. However, I am now getting a little concerned for my safety so maybe holding my ground on this one isn't such a good idea? The one only time I have ever left the relationship, I only moved out for break, to let things calm down and 4 days later I received a text that he was throwing all my stuff out on the lawn. He removed all my stuff from throughout the house, mostly wedding stuff and when he's not calling me a dumb B%#$@, he's telling me to leave. I moved my little vanity into the bedroom last night and made my bedroom living space as comfortable as I could with some of the things he removed from the living room and he completely went off the handle at 6 am this morning. Obviously, I am not going to try and talk to him at this point, about finances or otherwise. But what should I say or do the next time he tries to engage me in a fight?


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