I have to say I finally slept 8 hours last night-even with my son waking me up in the middle and I was so drowsy- and even woke with my back hurting from sleeping so much. I usually sleep 2-3 hours and it is more like a nap with my eyes open than sleep.
Does this mean I am moving on even more?
Last week I had some setbacks and felt real anxious and sad because my STBEXH apologized 2x for not calling me on my birthday/mothers day.-I dont know why he apologizes is he was with her on both those days back to back.
I did not apologize for not calling him on fathers day because he has not acted like one and again was with her and her kids.
I read some articles on Narcissistic behavior that describes him to a T along with the BPD and his Bipolar/Depression/Anxiety.
I was never going to save/be happy in this MARRIAGE. He was always set to ruin it before it even began. I can now see that 18 years just led me to be codependent. :'( He was always looking for someone else to come along and FEED him what he ALWAYS needs. I suppose it could have been worse since he wanted me DIFFERENT at times and I did not give in. If I had given in, I think I would have hated myself then for being manipulated even worse that what he has done.
I have prayed so much to GOD to give me peace, strength, hope, and free my from my anxieties and he has listened and helped me so much. I know GOD has a plan for me and my kids and I just have to be patient and see... . meanwhile I continue to work on myself.
I go to the gym everyday to work out my anxieties and I have lost over 40lbs in less than 2 months. I feel better and have been able to get off medications for diabetes that I let my eating control.
I still have a long ways to getting back into full shape but I am going to get there... . I hope my pancreas will love me again and work so that I will not need any medications at all.
Has anyone out there started moving on when they were finally able to sleep? I hope it lasts now because I do not enjoy racoon eyes.