absolutely have over as many people as possible. if you can, get some friends together, guys and gals, and have them box his stuff up and place it in an easy to reach place so the exchange goes faster when he arrives.
my ex forced the issue on me when she *finally* got her arse out of my house. told me her new bf was helping her move and that she thought i should just leave, accusing me of wanting to fight him. it was the furthest thing from the truth. i held my ground though, no way in hell i was going to have her and her new bf going through my apt all alone after all of her hateful behavior. i didn't know what they would steal or try and have sex on/with (

these were my emotional fears at the time).
i took my moms advice, helped her box up and move downstairs towards the door as much stuff as possible (the day before) so they could just grab it there. wouldn't need to be in my place too much. then, i had two other friends come by and hang out with me the day of--not just for muscle but actually just to have someone positive there and to defuse anything. we were able to stay out of the way and i had some oversight that my ex wasn't bringing the new bf through all my stuff. i still appreciate my friends so much just for being there. we hung out in the garage and apt with some beers and played music... .it was actually a blessing i got to meet the new bf (but that's a different topic)
seriously, if you can, have some friends over for a soire of sorts. serve some appetizers, have some music going. buy some things you like, favorite drinks/foods and make it celebratory. try and make the situation as light as possible. this will help you calm the heavier emotions.