you sound pretty angry, what the heck, and i certainly see why. my marriage ended on infidelity - well, not so much infidelity as my stbxw's aggressive refusal to acknowledge what she had done or its consequences on me, and her repeated mantra of how hard it all was on
her. i've been rageful from time to time since then, so i understand. your description,
HE needs full control in order to ease back into the realtioship, as if he was victimized, and tossed aside with no warning after ten years of happinesss and comittment
pretty closely matches mine (she, and 7 years, and not always happy i guess i'd add).
however, if you're interested in continuing with him, does this sound like validating language?
BF has been unable to cope with much adult conversation ... .
I explained to him that [he] had become a scared little boy in a big boy body ... .
I told him he was sick, not in an insulting way ... .
even if he is being pusillanimous, i don't know that talk like that will help either of you to where either of you wants to be.
what's good about the r/s?