Hello, muscleheadml &

I'm really sorry that you are having problems in your relationship with your girlfriend; there are lots of members on this site who are in similar situations as you are. You will find that you have found the right place for the support and insights you are looking for.
So, your girlfriend texted her ex about her fears of breaking up with
you because she was afraid you would kill yourself? Do you think she really believes that, or was she using it as an excuse to him for her not leaving you? You say that you aren't sure if she knows that she has BPD; what makes you think that she does? Is she in any type of Therapy or anything? You mention that you are in Therapy, no?
I'm glad that you have been reading books and learning the communication tools so you can talk to your girlfriend in ways that don't push all of her buttons. If you haven't already, check out all of the
links to the right-hand side of this page;
THE LESSONS have the communication tools mentioned above (Validation, S.E.T., etc.) and refresher courses never hurt
Please tell us more about your situation, muscleheadml... .We'd like to help