Unfortunately I can't take a few days for myself right now. I'm at a 3 week long trade show. 10+ hour days, 7 days a week.
But I'm doing pretty well actually.
EXCEPT that today I had to close down my booth and go to an oral surgeon and have a tooth yanked out. AAARRRGGGHHH!
But you know what? A really interesting thing happened this evening. One of my long time customers came in only about an hour after I had this tooth yanked out. She's a BPD--they always zero in on me, and I recognize them immediately. She has been an extremely difficult customer for years. But this time she asked why my face was swollen. I explained to her about my dental emergency. After she made a rather large purchase order, she asked me to sit on the floor in front of her while she did some Reiki healing on me. Now, this is not really my thing. But sit I did, and closed my eyes while she laid hands on me. At first, I was tense--I mean a BPD (Pisces too, just like my mom!) has her hands on my face

But after a while I talked to "mom's voice" a little (silently--it wasn't thoughts, it was feelings) and explained that this BPD was being kind. Her version of healing and mine are quite different, but the intention certainly matters, and she was being giving and kind. It then became a relaxing and touching experience. She also was quite moved by my trusting her. We came--without words--to a new understanding between us.
I like all of you guys's things here about broken pots and such. Even if it won't fly on dating websites (haha) it will certainly fly inside me.