It's been a while since I posted on here and much has changed... .
I no longer reside with my ex partner, as of last October. I left for a night after an eventful day of paranoia and abuse, triggered by my independant act of meeting a friend for lunch and haven't gone back, except with a police escort to collect my clothes. After 23 years of control, ridicule, insults, abuse and general crazy behaviour, I finally feel free.
I am sleeping on a relatives sofa, getting by on a day to day basis and have a car that is currently my shoe store... .But I have a personal freedom that is nectar. No more questions, life on a knife edge, paranoid control, degrading accusations or question marks over my future. It's mine to do as I wish with, without fear. Nobody holds my strings. I am free to be me for the first time in my adult life. I can see the road ahead of me and although it's long, so are my legs. Fear no longer restricts me.
This site was instrumental in my leaving in so many ways. I finally learned that I am not mental... .Mostly

It also introduced me to a very special man, completely by accident and I found a true friend that became my lover. After all of those years in the wilderness, where I was treated like scum for imagined affairs, I actually fell into an emotional affair. I do not feel guilty or wrong. I should, but don't. It doesn't feel like an affair. It feels like love. Two people who have fought and lost the battle to deny ourselves our hearts desires.
We began by trying to help each other with our respective partners. I genuinely wanted him to be happy and to reach his goal of a settled and peaceful marriage, free of the sh1t that I too was living with. It's ironic that we suffered the same curse for decades, repeatedly taking the punches and insecurities, looking inward for the answers and desperate to avoid being who they said we were, twisting our natural selves like contortionists to please them... .
Neither of us could ever have envisaged having an affair. Neither of us were wired for it. The very thought would have crippled us both with guilt. But we have. We couldn't not, it was so strong. This thing that we have found together, here, overrode our senses, made us see our partners for who they were and more importantly, taught us both that we are loveable and decent human beings with a huge capacity to love and give in equal measure.
Something very beautiful has come out of our ugly pasts. Perhaps they made us a match for each other, maybe we were always meant to be together. Either way, I am truly happy and feel blessed to have this man in my life. I have little more than the clothes I stand in, but feel rich, fortunate and grateful for the way things have turned out.
Thank you BPDF for gicing me more than I could have ever hoped for. Cinderella would be jealous.