do you like animals? birds perhaps? have some stale bread crumbs you would like to share with them in the back yard? do you like knitting? perhaps the library to read? if none of that helps, close your eyes and build your dream world. start with the foundation of your dream house. add your dream pets. only add the people you want in your life. when he starts on at you, close your eyes and go to your dream world. got me through lots of tough times. i'd lend you mine but i know i haven't cleaned the bathroom lately.
but do remember that in the real world, only you can change your conditions. so if you want out, start with a plan and work at it one step at a time. also, for anxiety, bach's rescue remedy is awesome. try some today at your local health food store or online market(you don't have to leave home to get it). remember it's homeopathic so don't take with food about 15 min before or after. keep writing, it's very therapeutic and i'd love to hear more from you so don't be a stranger. maybe i can visit your dream house someday? have a cuppa home-grown tea?