My ex was so charming. It breaks my heart everytime I think about it because I thought it was real.
My childhood is something I've been thinking a lot about lately but I just can't seem to figure it out. The only things I'm aware of is I was ill with broken bones when I was born so I was put in a special unit for a few weeks and then wasn't fully recovered for a few months. So maybe that has affected me, could of made me needy? Obviously babies would normally go home and bond with the mothers straight away.
The other thing is my brother can be quite abusive and I'm not sure if this has had an effect on me. Maybe I see it as normal when people treat me badly... .
Yes she was my first love. I feel like it might of been easier if I'd had a previous relationship to compare but that wasn't the case. Everything that was happening was my first experiences so I guess I was just assuming it was normal...
I'm so sorry to hear that, first loves always hurts the most, I still think about mine and can promise you that time does heal all wounds.
You know at the moment, the love the pwBPD shares IS very real and sincerely. It's just not a deep connection that nons yearn for. I know what I say won't make sense because like you said, you don't have a base to compare it to.
Have you read the article about love from the BPD perspective? It certainly really helped me. shouldn't be so hard on yourself for giving your love and trusting another person.