Hi Auslyn54
Welcome to the BPD Family
First of all you are on the correct board and starting your own introductory post is perfect, this way we can get to know you and your situation. I also encourage you to read the other threads and jump in if something resonates with you.
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with your daughter I can hear from your post how much you love her and how hard the situation is on you. The good news is you can get as emotional as you want here (we can't see you ) and we also all understand how difficult it is to have a pwBPD (person with BPD) in our lives. So express those feelings here all you want that's part of what is so nice about coming here we are a safe place to let it out.
Can you expand on your story a little bit? How old is your daughter? What does your family look like? Spouse? Other Children? What has been going on the has led you to "crisis point"? Is your daughter getting therapy? (Good for you getting therapy for you

) What do you struggle with most in terms of your daughter?
We'd like to help.
I'm really glad you've found us the members here "get it" we have all experienced similar issues (it surprised me how much we all have in common when I arrived here a year ago). You will be tapping into a group of folks that are supportive, will understand, will share ideas, and suggest tools that can help.
Again Welcome you are not alone.