Hi kyzen,

I'm sorry to hear that. I can relate with how painful, disappointing and angry that feels when a spouse cheats. My ex did a lot of acting out throughout our marriage, I didn't see it coming either, I think it's important to cut yourself some slack.
I didn't understand my ex wife's behaviors over several years, I had never heard of personality disorders or BPD, she's not diagnosed, I'm not a doctor or a professional. A family member told me about BPD after my ex left with her affair partner, then I found my way here like you.
I'm not sure how you feel, I was trying to keep a marriage and family together, with no knowledge of a serious mental illness, no support and trying to do the best that I could do.
I can understand how difficult that would be being in the same house while you are seperated. Is she acting out?
I see that you have divorce proceedings, I'm not familiar with LDP's. Many members are familiar with courts and coping with an ex partner with a personality disorder on our legal board, it helps to talk.
Leaving Board: Family law, divorce and custody